Hunter has a good looking set in the next season!

Good day fellow hunters and huntresses.

New tier set model for hunter in Season 2 just dropped today, and is an absolute banger! Hunter havent had a good looking set for a long time. Finally we have received something good. I am getting a bit bored with my SLS2 set and will probably change to the upcoming set.

My favorite is the red one that can be obtained from doing mythic. Second favorite is the grey one that is Elite obtained from PvP. I hope Blizzard changes their mind and puts the green one (which is normal PvP gear) in mythic, and the black one from mythic to Elite 1.8k. :slight_smile: And then put the grey one (that is current 1.8k PvP) in normal PvP gear. Then it would be perfect.

*What do you think about the sets?
*Are you going to use the set once their out?
*Should some of the sets switch places? I.e from PvP to Heroic for example.

Down below are the pictures Priskah will upload. Thanks!









The mythic version looks great indeed, was about time we got some good looking set.

It only looks good because it looks more like plate :smiley:

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Is the “good looking set” in the room with us? :eyes:

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Am I alone in liking the current season set? It’s got everything I like in a hunter set, hunting trophies, fur, cool trap on the hip, too.

DF had good hunter sets as well.

New set looks decent. Still feel like we get very few sets or pieces with a Ranger aesthetic.

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