Hunter Hero talents prediction


They’ve started revealing Hero talent trees already, and we’ll probably see the first Hunter ones after the holidays.

Here are my predictions

  1. Dark ranger will be MM/BM
  • Will revolve around Wailing arrow (hopefully makes it instant cast) as it’s a shared talent between MM/BM and fits the theme
  • Serpent sting becomes shadow damage
  • Arcane shot becomes shadow damage
  • All shadow damage increased
  • Gives the pet some undead look/attacks
  1. Pack leader will be BM/SV
  • Enhances the main pet
  • Focused on group buffs (similar to feral “Leader of the pack” buff) f.e. when kill command resets for SV or Barbed shot resets for BM, all party members gain a small buff
  1. Sentinel will be MM/SV
  • Enhanced death chakram
  • Focused on Mongoose bite/Aimed shot (physical damage as a whole)
  • Bleeds?
  • Better stealth?
  • Better traps?
    Overall this is the hardest one to predict, but the theme is stealth/ambush/agility/metal glaives

I really hope Dark Ranger doesn’t force MM/BM into the horrible wailing arrow playstyle, because nobody takes this dead talent

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Having sentinel revolving around chakrams would be so cool, while you are at it give survival a choice between glaive toss and bomb :smiley:

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I expect a MM design like:

1- Petless

2- Not dependent on Arcane Shot (I don’t like this skill whatsoever). Heavy hitter with Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire.

3- Fancy aoe. Not dependent on Volley, Multi-Shot etc.

4- Fancy utilites. Like better and useful version of Sentinel Owl.

I think it was MoP Hunter that had Glaive Toss as an ability. Wouldn’t be surprised if they brought that back.

It is coming back, apparently the covenent abilities are getting a make over on a few classes and that is one of them replacing the necrolord look.

In Wow lore sentinels are these night elf npcs:

https :// wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Sentinels

that hold the 3-edged glaives that very much look like chakrams. And indeed next patch death chakram gets a metallic animation instead of the necrolord green one.

It’s returning, sorry took me a few mins to find the video;

Hunters are @1.35 in the video.


Thanks for the video!

That looks exactly like the sentinel glaives!

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