Hunter is kinda clunky

hunter is not a bad class. But it does feel somewhat clunky.

For mm hunter:

I like trueshot as a cd, but i don’t think i am enjoying steady shot that much. And there is the problem of not using arcane shot/multi shot during your main cd, which should be addressed.

It’s also one of the more difficult resource management specs in my opinion. But the problem is that this difficulty isn’t exactly satisfying to play.

In legion arcane shot was the focus generator, i think returning to that might be better.

I think a middle ground between legion and current mm hunter would be the best.

As for survival:

I think mongoose bite should be baseline, but there is another problem with it, due to the fixed duration of 14 seconds, you basically are forced to use almost only that ability if you wanna do optimal damage, and drop everything else, this is especially true for the trap legendary.

I think this could be fixed by giving kill command an extension mechanic for mongoose bite, this way it wouldn’t feel so forced to drop everything in favor of mongoose. And you would have more time to actually use other abilities. The problem is also bird of prey, which with the leggo further skews the rotation into using mongoose bite and only that, especially during certain windows. I think that talent could use some adjustments, they could even make it baseline, but they should probably extend the time increase to more abilities, and probably reduce the extension granted.

And also, give survival an ability like lone wolf. And kill command would be replaced with another ability.

Never tried bm because i don’t like pets.

Anyway, it’s not that these specs are bad, it’s just that they have some strange mechanics, that can feel clunky at times.

Sounds more like the class isn’t your thing.


So… You’re just gonna deny the problems that are objectively there? You can look at them right now.

All of the things i pointed out here are true.

If you remove the pet from SV it becomes a bad copy of the warrior. SV need work sure but i wouldn’t say the pet is one of the problems. Mongoose bite baseline like before is a good idea and the talent for it could become an timer/power increase passive for it. Personally i like the spec it just needs allot of haste to feel more smooth in its rotation. I wouldn’t even think of taking Mongoose with low haste cause then the spec gets clunky to play.

Legendaries have the problem of being an expansion thing and in this case most legendaries we can make are less favorable or completely useless in certain content. For PvP for example your only real option is craven.

MM is meh atm for me. Never been a big fan of the spec itself allthough i admit it used to be better. Looking at the current spend and built rotation it’s lacking.

BM i would recommend even though its a simple spec it does have a better flow then the other two.

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I never said to completely remove the pet, just to give survival a lone wolf like ability.

The problem with mongoose is that the timer is fixed, that causes a bit of problems, as i said before i think they should give it an extension mechanic.

And mm hunter needs some adjustments, for example, steady shot just does not fit that well, just remove it, and give the focus generating function to multi and arcane.

The only spec in the game that should have pets and that’s not negotiable is bm hunter, all the others should have a lone wolf/lonely winter type of ability. That includes survival, and unholy dk.

Bm hunter because bm without pets would be like fire mage without fire, it just doesn’t make sense, but survival, doesn’t need a pet to support the fantasy of the class, you can survive on your own just fine, same for unholy, you don’t need the pet to spread diseases, you can be the disease yourself just fine.

Keep in mind that what i am talking about when i say pets, i specifically refer to permanent pets, not temporary pets that serve more as a cooldown, like army of the dead for example.

The more Sv i play the more fluid the game play seems too be, for Talents i think u should can choose between 3 thinks,

  • 1 Poisen build
  • 2 Bomb build
  • 3 Trap pet build

I find DH borring spec, which I just can’t enjoy. Does this make it bad? No, it’s my preference.
Current Hunter for me is very fun, now with AoE uncapped I get everything I want from ranged spec - high mobility, uncapped aoe, etc.
So yes, not all specs will be equaly fun for every single person.

the aim shot cast time is way to long i get boored while casting aimed shot beocurse it takes forever to cast …

Just to remind people, that there is a difference between clunky or completely unenjoyable, i like hunter, it’s not my favorite class personally, but i still think that they are somewhat clunky.

I suggest you simply stick with Tip of the Spear. My ilvl 248 SV sims about 1% worse using Tip instead of Mongoose Bite but it plays a lot better.

That being said, my SV is currently the only thing that keeps me playing. None of my other chars (I only play melee) feels as good as the SV. It has an answer for every situation, plays fast and fluent and is simply a lot of fun.

When it comes to a Loner talent option, I’m not sure what to think about it. I mean sure, there is a dozen situations every week where I hate my pet (Sylvanas phase 2 for example) but SV wouldn’t be the same without it. And no, it for sure isn’t because “SV would become a bad copy of a Warrior”, which is simply not true.

What SV needs is what all Hunters need (for years). The pets pathing need to be better. Also we should be able to change the pet’s abilities regardless of the pet family.

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I’ve mained SV since it was changed to a melee spec in Legion.

Back in legion you did have Goose bite as a baseline but overall felt the same as it is now.
You could talent into Way of the mok’nathal (% damage increase that stacks) you had explosive trap, lacerate and other abilities that are no longer in the game.

I personally dont feel that SV has been clunky at all during this expansion. Slow? yes, but not clunky.

After getting your haste high enough to talent into mongoose bite it becomes more fluid imo, but even without mongoose bite you never wanna force stack your tip of the spear stacks to 3, just weave Kill command with Raptor strike.

That’s just how I feel about the spec.

Yes, so objective…

The version of hunter that is in shadowlands is clunky (though i have not played shadowlands survival so can not speak there)

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