Hunter, Lock'n'Load

It’s a fairly short piece of feedback, but I really don’t understand why scatter shot is removed from Lock’n’Load. It’s not oppressive, as it shares diminishing returns with itself AND traps (meaning using double scatter on the same target is generally bad for the hunter), so it’s only really useful for 2 things: interrupting (we have no other interrupts as hunter, which is a pretty big issue as it is), or to survive getting focused in group PvP. Hunters are SUPPOSED to be survivalists. Getting out of tricky situations is the entire class fantasy.

Please turn this one back.


Was the only fun thing about MM SOD hunter, think its safe to say P4 will be dead on arrival. Giving warriors “death grip” - was an awful ability back for DK´s and now its back - instead of giving them bladestorm… No disengage for hunters - yeah big pass for me.

GL even fighting a shaman with no LnL on Scatter - lets not even talk about what Rogues will be able to do to us.

Please bring it back :slight_smile: