Hunter NERFS, when?

both frostbolt and gs have a casting time so you have to stand to cast.

Just got hit by a hunter for 1.5m damage… Which 1 shotted me… Im done with this game and expansion… Off to play other games, good luck!.

That is nothing. I got hit by mm for nearly the double of that; 2.9mil dmg

I do think MM is so powerful that it can annihilate entire RBG enemy teams on its own.
It can even solo Mythic dungeons, no pet needed at all unlike the noob spec BM carried by its own AI pets :slight_smile:


The only classes that are and have falled behind is -
Shadow Priest…
Feral Druid… <— Only seen 1 outa whole of DF…
Ret Paladin…
Holy Paladin…
DK - Frost…
Dk - Unholy… <— Only seen 1 outa whole of DF…
Refering to the most common PvP specs btw…

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