These two and rogues have very generic roles in games, although rogue does not appeal to me as much because I don’t like the thief fantasy, I was wondering which people think have the cooler fantasy out of these two?
It’s hard to answer in my case.
I love Hunters since vanilla (this character) but Warriors are my second passion (Orc Warrior alt from vanilla).
It’s the only classes I have two characters at level 120.
The other two are BEs.
While I love ranged weapons, warriors in terms of animation are just the master of melee weapons.
Both have good class fantasies.
If we go by the fantasy side I would pick the Warrior as I love their die in battle war cry.
You have characters like: Grommash Hellscream, Orgrim Doomhammer, Garrosh Hellscream, Saurfang, Dranosh, Broxigar, just to name a few.
There’s more, but this are the names that I remember.
I personally prefer Hunters because I love ranged weapons.
I love the Farstrider fantasy on my BE Hunter or the Darkspear theme on this character.
For me it is warrior. That is because I love the generic city guard role-playing. I hate being a champion and much prefer the generic soldier of the Alliance role. So for me warrior.
For me it is hunter. i like big guns and hunter can weald almoust everyhing exept a mace .
Well, then go for the “I like to stab things” fantasy.
Hunter. It has more versatility in a story than a warrior.
Hunters can be solo stories told purely as people avoiding large gatherings and populated places, spending their time living off the land in some harsh unforgiving climate.
They can be fur and leather traders looking to make some coin, they can be paid trackers sent to hunt someone down, they can be brought in to curtail or solve a problem with rampaging beasts, they can be hired as marksmen to help support a war effort, they can be jungle stalkers tracking their prey for days, weeks.
Warriors are big and stupid and hit stuff real hard.
Most generic classes in WOW?
Hunter / Rogue
Warrior is a warrior, I should not explain that one really. Some games differentiate them by weapon type (blade, blunt, shield usage, 2H). Dual-wielding in this class is rather rare, usually RPGs reserve that to some kind of ninja classes, rather than typical warriors.
Mage comes in many different flavors. Many hurl fireballs and cast rains of fire but there are also summoner mages, warlocks, necromancers and other sort of spellcasters. I like how Gothic series handled Mages, as you could not simply start as a mage, you BECOME a mage by joining a specific school / church which is not easy. And that happens pretty far into the game which means that you are still a sword-swinging warrior for the first 10-15 hours.
Rogue/Hunter is typical Agility archetype in RPGs and these also come in many different flavors. Hunters focus on ranged damage, bow mastery etc, Rogues focus on attacking unseen and landing critical strikes on unsuspecting targets.
I think Warrior by far has the best notable characters in the game.
Just look at how many major lore figures are Warriors:
Lother, Varian, Magni, LLane, Genn, Cairne, Baine, Broxigar, Saurfang, Orgrim, Grom, Garrosh.
For hunters we mostly just have the Windrunner trio and Rexxar.
Having all those characters helps build up a rich fantasy of what is a generic and plain class.
so how meny awsome lore chacthers are a hunter ?
Hunter imo.
Only issue is that plate gets awesome sets and cool 2h weapons while mail is most of the time trash…
But why on earth Hunters clanking aroudn in mail armor…?
Not the best for sneaking around, waiting for a prey… to hunt…
Pretty much sums up the warrior fantasy. Pick hunter.
Warrior for me.
I like plate armour and hitting people with big weapons
Zug zug
Probably because of the mountaineer/W3 rifleman fantasy type from W3.
I personally find warriors more diverse than hunters. Although I like hunters more myself.
Warriors are the basic fighter type with access to almost every weapon. They can go for a brawler or a holy guardian
Hunter a thousand times over.
Pets man! Pets! The best thing WoW has!
The basic ‘warrior’ fantasy really doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever. I like some of their transmog, but that’s about it.
Yes, this has always bothered me.
Hunters should wear leather. Period. End of story.
If the burning blade blademaster from wc3 was a thing in this game i would roll warrior 100%, that character alone pumps more testosterone on his blade than whole sylvanas simping horde these days.
Warrior? Would you rather be manly alpha male Aragorn, or Legolas? I think it’s obvious.
Vulpie bites Haxxman…Ouch!