Hunter, Paladin or Spriest?

Hello everyone :slight_smile: that isnt a discussion about which class is best, i just came back like 4 weeks ago, im an only healer since ever, but i want to try out something new, i like how healers got more dps output and thought i try Out the dps life.
I want to be useful for my mythic plus team, not only doing dps, maybe throw in some heals and stuns when times are hard.
I also dont like too many keysbinds, 1 - 9 and a - z are enough for me, No need to get into shift and alt + keybinds.
I usually like to be range, so considered to be Hunter but they dont really have much Teamsupport, right?
Paladins are melee but offer so much support besides nice dmg.
I also thought about spriest, but i read theyre very complicated.
Maybe some people have experience and can tell me which dps class is the not so complicated, best support dps this season while the new evoker spec isnt Out yet :smiley: thanks for the answers in advance <3

Shadow Priest is not complicated at all, Iā€™d recommend trying it instead.

Also BM hunter is excellent, not too many keybinds necessary and can bring Bloodlust/Heroism to the group/raid.

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