Hunter Pet Issues tbc classic

Anyone having issues with hunter pets?

I tamed a Ravager last night and it is gaining no xp, training points or loyalty and has no skills at all (i expected it to have bite or claw or something but it has nothing at all)

Have tried abandoning and taming another but it’s the same issue. This then got me thinking - my previous/current pet (cat) does gain xp and is at best friend level but also hasn’t gained any training points in a long time - stuck on 88 and I haven’t been able to train it any skills in ages…

This is an account closing issue for me - I’ve raised a ticket (even though no category exists that fits) I got an automated response after about 12 hours pointing me to the forums so not hopeful of getting any kind of resolution…anyone else experiencing similar?

I had issues with my pet not gaining loyalty and someone in another thread suggested going to the pet-trainer and un-train, re-train the pet which seems to have solved the issue for me. At least my pet is at loyalty lvl 3 now. It also seemed to fix issues for another guy whose ravager had no skills.

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Thx :slight_smile:
Have tried that now but no joy :frowning: still gaining no xp and no loyalty or training points. Trained it with Growl and untrained it.

Are you killing stuff where you yourself gain xp? Also the pet has to be below your level for it to gain xp.
Seen lots of 60 players getting a level 10 ravager. If you got an Outland one, that should be obvious. Also quite possibly the easy way.
As for abilities, you can tame another one and learn it, then teach it. There used to be a site Petopia.

Ah that could be it - maybe it doesn’t gain anything at all when same level? xp/training points (means I’ll never have enough points to train it all the skills I can) /loyalty(that would be odd I think but maybe just way way slow at same level)

Doesn’t explain the lack of training point progression for my other pet which I’ve had since c 43. (although that is gaining xp as it’s generally only at my level for c. half a level - just means i cant train it anything that costs above 100 as it’s not gone above 88 for about 10 levels…)

I’ll try taming a slightly lower level one this weekend and see what happens.

It should gain loyalty in any case, just no exp until you are one level above. I’m positive the loyalty is bugged somehow.

I agree re loyalty. just caught up with petopia and think that explains my old pet - maybe I have max points already and the 88 is the leftover (will check when home)

I’ll try another retrain for the new pet too to see if this fixes loyalty - my old pet was exhibiting strange happiness levels - sometimes taking ages to get back to happy (as in hours) and then sometimes not - maybe that code is buggy

If you feed the pet, the happiness buff gets removed by combat. The ravagers in the little path between HFP and Terrokar don’t come with any skills. Tame one of the ravagers by Falcon Watch; they should come with Gore and Bite(?). Pet level has nothing to do with training points, they’re based on loyalty. There is a finite amount you can receive. Makes it so you can’t train every single skill and instead need to decide which ones are most important for you and your situation.

Making the response above since I’ve experienced none of the issues you describe so I’m leaning towards user error.

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