Hunter pets die very fast

I find my pet dying incredibly fast. I almost cant keep up the healing with mend pet since it’ll just die through the healing, sometimes it dies in an instant and I’ll only notice it through wanting to use kill command, what, oh, “Your pet is dead”.

Is anybody else experiencing this?


And that’s why I need a petless Survival, once your pet in PvP, you are just crappy.

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Use a Core Hound or Clefthoof. I prefer Core Hound myself because it’s shield can be used more often and it reflects damage when tanking for you.

I know you might not want to, but you kind of have to.

It’s about time we got a cosmetic slot or something for our pet.

Get yourself a stone hound!

My little stone bear will face tank anything.

Not sure what is the cause but my spirit beast rarely dies. I personally would stick with your spirit beast and not go for a stone hound.

My loque die instant more than regular just a cat. :joy: Yes it is true pets s*cks a lot and die quick. I try also to heal all but nothing. You can try to turn off agro when your in the open world or Torghast. That helps little !

They do die quick. Even less fun when your Melee! :frowning:

If you want Survival changes give this a read.

Pets do seem to die quite easily, but this is the begining of the expac so that makes sense, just be prepared to use pet mend on CD and remember to stun mobs so it has a chance to regen health!

For an easier time use a Clefthoof, they are very tanking with leech and low cd on their damage reduction.
If using a Spirit Beast turn on auto spirit mend and stack it with pet mend, keeps them alive for quite sometime!

You’re BM :slight_smile: as SV or MM in pvp they are almost. Like paper right now it’s very tough

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Ahh i see, not played SV hunter but i heard was good leech, other then that can’t comment.
MM tried my had at, not evenreally used a pet there, shiz dies fast enough anyway!

How dare you, my obsidian will chomp any of your spirit beasts :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or, they can nerf the classes that basically can oneshot people in pvp (mm, subt, ret)

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Yes but I responded to him/her and saw a spirit beast in the profile so assumed BM :slight_smile:

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Nevahhh gonna happen!! But they do look cool I must say haha :wink:

Anyways if so many players do have trouble then Blizzard needs to fix it imo…

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Oh yes they do, obsidian is my little stone bear.

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How dare you use logic. In a forum, blasphemy. :slight_smile:

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