Hunter Problems and Solutions

Problems :
1.Arcane shot is useless ability , needs rework.
2.Hunter needs a defensive mobility rune for escape (range hunter) and catch (melee hunter)
3.Hunters needs a spell interrupt
4.Aspect dancing between monkey and hawk is not fun.
5.Mend pet channeling is not ok.
6.Traps must can be used in combat without trap launcher rune, trap launcher only make it ranged.
7.Trap launcher macro needs @target.
8.Hunters need a minor self healing ability.
9.Lonewolf needs a little nerf.
10.Carve rune needs buff.
11.Scaling Stings,Scaling Traps.
12.Beast mastery rune useless.
13.Hunters needs healing reduce effect.

My Solutions:
1.Arcane shot now no minimum range,interrupt spell casting and does not share cd with aimed shot.
2.For mobilty rune you allready make a wonderfull ability i found it in wowhead

On the move rune: Hunter moves to fast to be hit , Increases hunters movement speed by %150 and remove all moving impairing effects and make hunter immune to every damage type for 3 sec. 20 sec cd.
3. look at 1 .
4.Merge hawk and monkey , aspect of the dragonhawk.
5.Mend pet is now instant
6.Traps now usable in combat , traplauncher rune makes traps ranged.
7.Trap launcher now can cast to the target location with @target macro
8.Sprit bond talent is now in bm tier 1 and rank 2 is now heal %2 total health every 4 sec.
Bm tier 5 talent bestial discipline is now 5 talent and total increases pets focus regen %50
9.Lonewolf is now increases your damage %25
10.Carve rune is %100 weapon damage.
11.Viper sting , serpent sting ,explosive trap and immolation trap is now scale with your ranged attack power.
12.Beast mastery rune removed , new hand rune is kill command
kill command: instant , your pet deals %100 of your weapon damage + pet main damage. 6 sec cd.
13.Multi shot now reduces the healing effect by %50 for 10 sec.