Hunter rework!

Yeah i got over 2.4 elite level this season pressing a button every 45 sec for burst was rly the only think holding me back for pushing R1 ladder

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The only thing I would love to see changed is Coordinated Assault moving into the middle of the tree, because it currently feels bad to pick it up as a capstone.
They either need to move it further up the talent tree, or make another capstone play a role in the hero talents.

Coordinated Assault is currently on both trees the crux around which they revolve and it feels really sad. Spearhead would fit way better with Pack Leader, especially now that it gives 30% increased crit damage.

Congrats :slight_smile:

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As probably for most of the hunters, it’s very hopeful for me to see a a huge attention given to hunters with this rework.
As a MM hunter mainly focued on m+ and less so on raiding, here are my general thoughts:

  1. Issue of survivability ( a problem akin to all hunter specs throughout Dragonflight) - addressed nicely and given a proper attention, the massive buff of survival of the fittest (with all talents included, it’s going to be 30% Dr with 2 charges on just 1 minute cooldown!) together with a smoke screen going to make us quite tough to kill.

Side problem though - given an insane synergy of Survival of the Fittest with Smoke Screen, the Dark Ranger hero talent may become mandatory for a competitive playing.
Even worse, Survival hunters don’t have access to Dark Ranger talents at all! They will need some compensation in terms of survivability for this.

  1. Issue of utility (another big problem for all hunters specs during DF) - addressed insufficiently and poorly.
    Hunters often have hard time getting invited to pug keys due to lack of any practical aoe stuns or at least stops (e.g. priest has a mass fear with 30 seconds cooldown).

Binding shot, while super fun and useful in pvp, has a very limited utility in premade m+ groups and is also entirely worthless in m+ pugs, because most of the time you want to stun mobs when they are casting something, and when they are casting, they are not moving = zero effect from your binding shot.

Explosive shot is your technical stop and again, while being super fun in battleground and world pvp, is not useful in m+ most of the time, because it throws mobs in different directions and creates a chaos and often can bring more harm than use.

The buff given to intimidating shout (a.k. stuns 3 targets instead of 1) is good on paper but impractical. Even on high keys the tank will normally pull at least 5 targets. Ofc usually only 2-3 of them will need to be interrupted a dangerous cast. So what you need to do is to stun one of the dungerous mobs and then pray to Elune / Light / Spirits / Void (select what suits you) that 2 other stuns will randomly stun the correct targets. Because if they don’t and you play high key, you are screwed.

Also the pseudo utility of Hunter’s Mark has not been fixed / removed, but at least they removed that ugly Sentinel Owl talent, thank God! Totally useless and to a person not familiar with how hunters work it would give an illussion that this is hunter’s utility spell.

The MM hunters lone wolf utility accessability was quite unclear based on their message, hopefully they will clear it out and will move torwards providing MM hunter with all hunter’s basic utility without having to have a pet.

Just give us Black Arrow. It’s a slap in the face to take it away from us 2 times, then give it to BM/MM.

If the final version of the Hunter rework is like this on expansion release, I will have to swap my TWW main from Evoker to Hunter. :partying_face:

The ONLY reason I haven’t mained Hunter so far, as a primarily PvP player, is because of their weird defensives, which required extensive practice and workarounds.

You literally had to combine pet ability + trinket + Exhilaration, and on top of that HAD to know the unexplained passive effects of certain spells, from other Hunters in the community… :face_with_head_bandage: Like which spells breaks Scatter Shot and which doesn’t, so you can create a combination of opener spells.

So while you CAN “make it work” with enough practice, Hunter just wasn’t at all something you could “just pick up and play” at a average level…

It has always been this odd thing, where some Hunter players who has hit the skill ceiling, would play EXTREMELY well (like Bicmex), and then you had the people who weren’t experts at Hunter, doing piss poorly… :sweat_smile:

And while I personally have my Hunter being my highest 2v2 rated character on my account, it took SO … MUCH … PRACTICE in order to play it well.

So I’m STOKED to see a rework, which means I no longer have to put 120% focus into my playstyle, to not get killed instantly, every time I just wanna fight any person in PvP.

Is binding a stun or a root now?


Beta talent calculator says stun but i personally don’t like its place at talent tree.

I saw somewhere mentioned that it was a root, but don’t remember where.

I’d take an unbreakable root tbh, that was super strong when it was a thing.

Hey Blizzard decide too remove Deathchackrams in there latest update and shift the power of the spell into other abilitys reducing button bloat, as i was saying it was a cringe ability too press every 45 sec with no deep or anything exiting
Looks like the devs are on my side and you where wrong

I personel would make explosive shot and deathchackrams a choice node so peoole can pic there fav, it looks like the also removed steel trap could be a choice node with binding shot but yeah they could add buttons in hero trees or talents any tine the feel like it

Lame, now you have to go in with Flanking Strike no matter what, with every 3 casts of Kill Command. Removes 1 controllable leap.

Removing Death Chakram just makes the game even more boring visually. We had Chakrams, Glaive Toss and now just nothing? Pressing buttons is fun, come at me.

Explosive Trap doesn’t even have an animation anymore. Barely some super small fire particles on the targets.

They removed the Spearhead charge, losing you a gap closer / creator. This is just looking worse and worse.

I have too agree with the lack of visuals, you are right at last deathchackrams got some

Too many buttons just split your damage % into everythink hit like a wet noodle and you end up stacking 5 gcd in order have burst and then all your other damage outside this burst window does nothing