Hunter suggestions

1.Arcane shot is useless in its current state and needs rework.
Remove min range from arcane shot and give it a magic dispell like tbc.

2.Remove useless hit and run rune and give hunters a defensive mobility rune (not disangage because melee hunters needs a gap closer)

New ability On the move : Removes all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by %200 , while in this state hunter moving too fast to be hit , immunes to all damage types for 2 sec.
On the move , can be cast while stunned, feared or silenced . 30 sec cooldown.

3.Serpent sting , scorpid sting and viper sting must scale with attack power.

4.Shoulder rune : Silencing shot.

5.Cobra slayer rune rework:
Mongoose Bite now activates when you critical hit , and Mongoose Bite deals additional damage equal to 40% of your Attack Power.

6.Beast mastery rune removed.
New rune kill command.

7.Traps can usable now when combat.
Trap launcher make traps ranged.

8.Catlike reflexes rune now reduce the cooldown kill shot by %50 ( old kill command removed from the game )

9.Aimed shot now reduces healing done to that target by 50%. Lasts 10 sec.