Hunter T2 refresh feedback


I was really exited about the announcement of the tier 2 anniversary sets and just had to install the PTR to check them out “in person”. Really love the way they look in-game, but one thing about the Dragonstalker set (which I was arguably most exited for having played a hunter since the vanilla open beta) that has me feeling a bit like the whole set is ruined are the boots.

They feel way too low and causes (at least on my Night Elf “replica” hunter) the proportions to become all wonky. It almost looks as if the boots have slid down the leg like a pair of knee-high socks that have been pushed down to the ankles or something.

Equipping the original version of the boots really makes everything look a lot better from a proportion standpoint even with the lower res. I feel like the set would look absolutely amazing if the boots were changed to extend up to the knees like the original version. The armor pieces at the front of the boots really look like knee armor to me.

The “swashbuckler” style boots look nice but imo they need to be knee-high. I feel like they should have been modeled more after the old style that the Cryptstalker boots use instead of the new War Within leveling boots style. I really hope this is a change that will be possible to get!

It might be completely useless to ask for, but I feel it would make such a big difference that I just had to at least give it a try.

My one piece of other feeback, while I’m at it, would be to change the cloak to a full length one and change the “dragon ear” portion of it for more scales and a bit more of the teal-esque color – a similar design to Onyxia Scale Cloak if you will.

Crossing my fingers that this is somethings others care about and agrees with (preferably someone at Blizz with the power to make the change), and that it’s not just me being weird.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!