Hunter Themes/Fantasy: Hero Talents and Theme Immersion

It’s quite a unanimous opinion that Hunters’ hero talents are lacking in impact (comparative to other hero talents of other classes) based on their objectives - “To more deeply explore class fantasy.”

With regards to how the 3 hero talents are:

  • What were y’all expecting when you’re cued with the titles of “Sentinel”, “Dark Ranger”, and “Pack Leader”?
  • What visual flare and aesthetics would y’all suggest to achieve this objective more deeply than it already is/has.
  • What other thematic-related functions and features do y’all think should be added to promote Hunter fantasy and flavour?

“Hero Talents are inspired from characters within the Warcraft universe and fantasies that players resonate with.”

Hero talents should be inspired from Warcraft 3, questline/dungeon/raid encounters that we have had with these heroes (e.g. Echoes of Time - dungeon where you fight Tyrande and Sylvanas; and Sanctum of Domination - raid boss Sylvanas), cinematics/cutscenes of them in combat (e.g. BFA and SL), and other sources in general (e.g. Heroes of the Storm - MOBA heroes that Blizz developed).


  • I imagine Tyrande Whisperwind and Shandris Feathermoon as sources of inspiration from which this hero talent draws its ideas from
  • I imagine the addition of glaive-like visuals (similar to Death Chakram that just got removed…) thrown in there with the fantasy (in the form of a visual replacement for existing Hunter abilities), that has some interaction with Sentinel node for Sentinel-SV-Hunters
  • Some incorporation of moon-lit arrows/shots in the form of a visual proc/momentary buff that alters visuals/mechanical interaction, e.g. whilst Lunar Storm is active abilities are moonlit and affect Sentinel node, for Sentinel-MM-Hunters.
  • Alongside some lunar component to it that mirrors the likes of a pseudo-starfall (which they already have done), pseudo though as to not rob the fantasy of Balance Druids - Chosen of Elune. Though I would’ve preferred the radius to follow the target than to remain static.
  • Other things: Side Line node of 40% snare is lacking; Symphonic Arsenal node to interact with only Multi-Shot/Butchery is limiting (e.g. not viable in PvP).

Dark Ranger:

  • I imagine Sylvanas Windrunner and Nathanos Blightcaller
  • I think of a barrage of DoT-dealing-shadow-tipped arrows and daggers, similar to Black Arrow, (hopefully reduced CD or at least a way for it to be applied to multiple targets) Withering Fire (which both have already been added), and Shadow Dagger (from Heroes of the Storm/Sanc of Dom) but more of it going on than in its current iteration. Wind Arrows/Rapid Fire/Arcane Shot (which is quite Sentinel) being converted visually to a more shadowy appearance would be impactful, and perhaps a node that fires a Shadow Dagger at the end of a Rapid Fire channel - this being exclusive to Dark Ranger-MM-Hunters.
  • Dark Hounds can be retained for Dark Ranger-BM-Hunters, but more of it going on. Perhaps more dark hounds and different undead beast models that spawn/proc that look shadowy in appearance would be more visually impactful.
  • Wailing Arrow would make sense to be a Dark Ranger exclusive ability (it’s only Sylvanas’ ult ability in Heroes of the Storm and a big mechanic to avoid in the raid against her…) - a Sentinel using this ability (in the MM tree) is robbing of the Dark Ranger fantasy and thematically does not make sense. Wailing Arrow in MM tree could be replaced by Wind Burst (which has been mentioned by a few other members in forums), historically a Legion artifact weapon ability - it suits the Wind Arrows that follow, and I can imagine a Sentinel using this ability should they decide to choose this node. Wailing Arrow could be a Dark Ranger hero talent node that converts an Aimed shot (MM)/Barbed Shot (BM) after X amount of (dark) wind arrows (less than 20 though as it is now)/Dark Hound procs, preferably an instant cast to time its utilisation for its silence and to fulfil the satisfaction of the ‘build-up’.
  • Since Dark Ranger design lore is so expansive, other ideas that come to mind are mind posession/domination magic and banshee forms - but the addition of these type of mechanics and visuals might start straying far from the themes of being a Hunter.
  • Other things: Dark Chains node visuals are rubbish - the chains modelled in Sanc of Dom raid are much more impactful and 40% snare nowadays is nothing; needs to be redesigned in such a way that it is PvE-relevant too. Shadow Surge node to interact with only Multi-Shot is limiting (e.g. not viable in PvP).

Pack Leader:

  • I imagine the likes of Rexxar
  • There is admittedly much less background surrounding Pack Leaders, so any ideas generated is mainly abstract rather than having any substance to base them off of. Their current implementation is nothing more than non-visual passives that modify existing abilities/rotations - eliciting no fantasy.
  • Thinking of a Pack Leader-BM-Hunter, I’d imagine a Stampede of different kinds of beasts that overwhelm foes, deal damage through shere numbers (akin to that of a Demonology Warlock), and empowerment of these beasts the more they grow in numbers. Each beast type introduces an effect (e.g. dmg modifer, bleed DoT, etc.) on their target in which it enhances some flavour of being a Pack Leader. A synergetic interaction between number of beasts that spawned and the Pack Leaders’ survivability (e.g. modestly increased % of max health/regen/etc.). These beasts can be slain, which in turn hurt the Pack Leaders survivability through the potential max health they acrue.
  • Pack Leader-SV-Hunters - would instead focus on the empowerment of their current pet. However, in terms of visuals and immersion I am at a loss for this one.

Other fantasy-related features:

  • Ranged weaponry illusion/enchant transmogs for Hunters
  • More quiver designs for cross/bows in such a way that they’re not mutually exclusive with cloaks
  • More abundance and options of glyphs to allow customisation of visual animations to align with existing themes (e.g. A smoke screen animation to replace Aspect of the Turtle animation; a ‘windrunning’ animation to replace Aspect of the Cheetah).
  • Introduce greater pet choice and skill/ability diversity - such that we’re not stuck with certain models of pets that we don’t appreciate, but forced to use merely to utilise their spec abilties (Master’s Call, Primal Rage, and Fortitude of the Bear), and family core abilites (e.g. mortal wounds, slow, etc.). To enable being able to use your desired pet, desired spec, and desired choice of core abilities
  • Introduce pet-less Hunter - in such a way that should Hunters choose to play without a pet to not be too punished for it with concern to the pet’s spec abilities (e.g. able to use Primal Rage or Master’s Call without pet), however family core abilities can be exclusive to having summoned a pet to preserve the point of having a pet at all.

With hero talent trees being an evergreen system we may come to see the addition of more nodes included into existing hero trees, and even the addition of new hero trees altogether in coming xpacs. With that in mind, hero trees may simply be in their infancy, having said this, I still would like to see more drastic improvements in their current state as showcased in the beta.

Let me know what your ideas might be.