Hunters double tab is bugged and 2 shotting in arena

so far i have tested this out many many many times, with my friend who is a hunter, his double tap makes his aim shot insta and for 100% dmg but the issue is that it actually crits for double the damage of the first hit making hunters almost 2 shot ppl in arena . this is a bug

Working as intended :3

I mean crits do double the damage of a normal hit. They should tune the spec a bit maybe but I don’t think it’s a bug

it has nothing to do with crits, we did over 40+ arenas, everytime same result, double tap hits for double the dmg allways critting when used, essentially 2 shotting ppl

but thats the point of double tap, we have a bonus for doing more damage for poeple above 80% health

Its also called the “Delete character” button xD

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