Hunters in pvp

Hello there, can someone please explain why are hunters so dam broken in PvP?
They are critting for 2k Chimera shots (nature dmg) not mitigated by armor, and hitting explosive traps for 1.4k, that’s almost a whole healthpool, all of those are instant casts.
How are you supposed to even survive that in the open world ?

sadly it’s the entire circus when it comes to SoD PvP.
At this point it’s blatantly obvious that Blizzard is not going to address anything, but the most heinous offenders.
If you aren’t playing a “PvP Class” at this point you should avoid any and all PvP content. Mages in particular seem underwhelming at the moment and, if you made the mistake of picking Alliance on a PvP Server, good luck to you

And still , they are nerfing in in PVE to make it unplayable next phase because of , legit or not , PVP complaints.

I guess you win. It won’t change anything in PVP because it is the PVE rotation that has been gutted , but people are happy that it got destroyed because the class is broken in PVP.

I really don’t feel much stronger than most classes on my Hunter.

I’ve just noticed that the majority of SoD Players absolutely do not understand how Classic PvP works. I rarely get punished when I should be.

For the most part, unless you’re starting combat from max range, Hunters should lose to any dot class (Warlock, Druid, Priest).

If you close distance on a Warrior you should win, if a Rogue catches you off guard they can likely half hp you instantly and close the distance or reset the fight without a huge issue.

Paladins can literally bubble, horse and guaranteed catch you even from max range.

There’s a hell of a lot of counter play to Hunters, and the class doesn’t have any real survivability tools or self healing. It’s kiting is honestly quite bad, you can flick Cheetah, but that takes a GCD and has a massive risk factor.

This class just seems to punish inexperienced players incredibly well.

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Exactly, ppl are just standing still in distance trying to outdamage hunter and then go to forum cry.

And stop right there, you assume that hunters wouldnt try to keep the distance advantage at any given time? Or drop some traps ontop of your head for LnL procs that translate into 2k-3k Chimera Shots that just delete half the HP on those classes?

That’s a big if on warrior and for paladin you most likely have to be deep ret spec for repentance or get the drop on hunters.
Warrior loses if hunter keeps 35y+ range at any given time, which is hilariously easy with Concussive, Freezing and Frost Trap to kite.

Frost trap is completely useless against warrior, you are either in dead range or warrior charge you or grab you. And have you ever heard about free action potions?

Its not quite as consistent as you’re making it out to be, Druids Priests and Warlocks that actually use their toolkit can generally survive long enough to close the gap or survive you.

Of course, you’re at a huge disadvantage in the world if you get caught at max range, but generally I don’t find that the majority of fights take place at exactly 43yrds in an open field.

Warriors are pretty easy, yeah, its their challenge to close distance, which is harder without pets to charge off, or taunt the trap to remove. Its one of our strongest matchups.

Idk I find all Paladins who PvP are generally holy or deep ret, and there’s really nothing I can think of to beat them when they have shield up, other than using rocket boots, which is quite effective on less experienced Players.

I use Survival Instincts and Regen vs hunters as druid and they simply do not care, it is utterly insane how people deny the DPS from a hunter in PvP.
Warlocks can fear a hunter all they want but 1s is literally enough to just send the lock or priest packing. There is literally no real room to make mistakes vs hunters/shamans. They can make so many mistakes on their end and still win thanks to either overtuned damage or/and healing.

Which is what 99% of paladins are these days

Dear sir how often do you use serpent sting in PvP…?
I mean, if you don’t break own CC combos with your own DoTs, Ice Trap and Scattering Shot are pretty much awesome. State of things might be drastically different at cap, idk, but rn I solve all sutuations you listed with (CC + badnages + devastating aimed shots and chimera) x Rinse and Repeat
Got about 50 HK yeaterday in STV, all prey higher lvl that me, been killed once only, by DoTty affly lock. He was skull-level, tho.

And, indeed, hunter is broken in PvP. My main is warrior, doesn’t feel so satisfying.

Low level PvP in STV isn’t really comparable with max level PvP.

Broken, would suggest an inalienable advantage in every circumstance, requiring an unreasonable or impossible amount of effort to overcome.

I really wouldn’t say that applies to Hunter, but PvP Tilt is a stronger motivator for bias than anything I can overcome.

Pls stop posting about hunter, because you are literally saying you know nothing about playing hunter in PVP…