Hunters in WSG

Hunters at this state need adjustments that’s for sure, what kind of adjustments I am not exactly sure but there is a reason for why we see so many hunters in each BG like with priests.

People don’t take those classes into premade groups if they aren’t strong and when it’s this level of attendance for these classes it’s not difficult to put the puzzle together.

So it’s okay that one build is OP and the other two are bad? Adjustments are needed to bring all three spec in that case to be more viable without being ridiculous OP like one spec is today.

Just look at every BG, hunters are OP just like healer priests. This is why they are filled with those in premade because people know their true state atm.

They are not filled with them, your just stating false information here. Premades consist of 2x priest, 1 or max 2 hunters, 2-3 warrior/paladin, druid/warlock/rogue.

Even if you buff MM or Survival hunters vanilla kit is just plain strong in a 1v1 lvl 25 cap environment and would be cried about just the same, it’s a L2P issue by players who are ignoring pets and think group pvp is about just raw damage. Deadzone the hunter, kill or cc the pet. If people are not using their kits it’s not a hunter issue. My premade have no issue at all going up against 3 hunters in WSG, they kill or cc the pet and it’s free after that, and we only bring one hunter.


I’m not lying I’ve seen up to 7 hunters in a single BG but that was only one time. Mostly is around 3-4 hunters and that’s enough for them to be frustrating in their state.

So why aren’t premades just stacking 8 hunters and 2 priests if their that broken? Because if you actually manage their pets their not that strong and by far not the best way to win WSG.

Something being annoying don’t equal nerf.

Okay what ever you say bro. I only know my experience and I know more people feel the same.

Given how the average classic player usually are pretty terrible at pressing 1 button to vastly increase their chances of winning a pvp encounters that don’t surprise me one bit.

I see maybe 1 priest in 10 use dispell magic, 1 druid in 10 sleeping hunter pets, warlocks not fearing the pet etc.

It’s unaware Andies calling for nerfs because they can’t be bothered to actually play their class.


yeah sleep the pet while the hunter is pelleting you with 100 auto shots… then the pet comes out of sleep and whacks a 300 lightning breath and 100 auto attk on you or w/e

Sounds like a skill issue to me, how about you use that 42 yard range 4 mana cost instant cast on the hunter that crits for 400+ and heal urself so that the hunter dies before you?

But thank you for the input that further shows that the class that can have the easiest time vs hunter somehow is struggling due to lack of playing the game.

35* yard. doesnt crit 400+ unless you stack nature gear which means no stamina. heal with pet pushback and hunter pushback nice joke.

vs hunters its just zug zug whoever can kill the other faster spamming instant casts. warlock is the best vs hunters btw.

Literally just sleep the pet and deadzone the hunter, it’s that easy bud.

sleep doesnt last forever dude. standing there hard casting vs hunters is a death sentence.
it helps a ton sure, but you aint gonna kill the hunter within one sleep.

I don’t know what else to tell you mate, have a druid friend who eats hunters for breakfast on a daily basis in SoD. He often wants to 1v1 them and I stand by watching him kill them easy as pie so you must be doing something wrong.

Maybe if hes duelling hunters in full PvE gear with no stamina you can quickly burst them down spamming instants (like any class with no stam this phase), but in stamina/PvP gear I dont think so.

My exp is from vs hunters in wsg premades so geared up to the max, not some 800 hp hunter in the world.

even if you kill the pet it doesnt matter since even a bm hunter is a huge threat by himself. if you spend time killing the pet while it and the hunter and the pet are both killing you, you will currently lose no matter what.

i’ve got a stack of target dummies !

100% THIS^^