Hunters in WSG

I just joined a random wsg , pug vs pug. There team had Six, yes Six hunters.
You simply cannot kill the pets… they are a complete joke, They all have 2k plus hp and they just chase you untill you are dead.

How is this even remotely balanced… Nerf the PET hp for god sake… its absolutely tragic to play against.


it will be more fun

FOTM class - Hunters. :slight_smile:

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The real danger is the hunter with a 900hp pet, by the time you realise the pet is a decoy youve been headshotted back to the graveyard


They already nerfed pet hp and armor. 2k hp was pre nerf.

Hunters and their pet are still ridiculous OP and most likely they will get even more OP in the next phase unless additional changes occur to them balance wise.

Not really, next phase we will be stuck with rank 3 LB (same as this phase). Cats may become fotm again and I don’t think they get as many complains as wind serp.

Also when you put all your talent points and runes into pets it’s normal that they are strong. DPS in PvE is like 50-50 between hunter and pet.

Please anyone can tell that hunters are far stronger in SOD due to the changes they have done, and that’s alright for different builds to be more viable from original classic however anyone who defend their state they are in atm, is just a hunter themselves who doesn’t want this OP mode to end.

And quite frankly it will only get worse considering all the new runes hunters will get on top of all other class talents and abilities. It doesn’t take much to realize where this is headed unless they make some balancing.

But hunters is not the only class that in my eyes need balancing, priest healers as well is in the same OP state.

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Wait what? The 1 viable build hunters have is the exact same gameplay as era, most runes got completely gutted.
BM was nerfed/rebalanced a few times already, it’s fine in PvE. Pets apparently don’t get the -25% dmg in WSG maybe they need to fix that first.

All classes will get new runes and talents though?

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Then explain to me how in every single BG I enter there is at least 4 to 7 hunters and more importantly how come so many people struggle against them if they are “okay” according to you despite the nerfs that you talk about?

But not all classes are as strong as hunters and priest healers which will be the difference again at level 40 unless something changes that we currently don’t know about.

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Nobody knows how it is going to be at 40. They already nerfed pet scaling and as I told you LB will be stuck at rank 3. Nobody has a crystal ball anyway.
And no not all classes struggle against hunters.

Hunter’s player base will decrease once they realise that there is spot only for one or two of them into a raid groups

Everybody is here hunter? Speak about hunter pet like nothing is wrong? HUNTER PET WILL KILL YOU IN 4-5 SEC! thats the realyty.You can here write balance or not ,hunters in WSG dont even atack enemy ,they are just wtchoing from 60-70 yards while pet kill the enemy. We are play MMORPG where hunter need for pvp 10% dmg pet will take another 90%? We lost from pet in 4 sec?
And everybody speaking so chilled here?

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Facing a team with six hunters and their resilient pets can indeed be challenging. Game balance concerns are common in player versus player (PvP) scenarios. You might want to share your feedback on forums or directly with the game developers to contribute to discussions about potential balance adjustments. They often consider player input when making updates.

If a BG has 6 of any class there is no escaping that class and it’ll always feel OP. Hunter is just king in grp pvp content there simply is no escaping them but they have some massive weaknesses if you don’t exploit them gg.

Explain me a bit more how to exploit those weaknesses?

I’m hoping that this will become more balanced in the next phase because right now it’s ridiculous.

I dont know if u havent realised, but the average classic player is pretty bad :person_shrugging:
Ppl struggleing with the easiest mechanics in Bfd, so ofc they gonna struggle even more in a non scripted PvP fight :person_shrugging:

they majority of hunters are terrible. they can still do damage because its instant, ranged + auto attack + AI pet. they can backpeddle and kill most classes.

Have you tried to maybe CC the pet? Some serious skill issue takes here and it’s pretty idiotic that people are calling for additional nerfs on a class that literally only have one viable spec left after being hit with the nerf bat five times already.

It’s level 25, hunters are and have always been strong at low level pvp, you could nerf the pet to do 1 damage and a hunter with a not room temp IQ would still kite half the roster of classes in a 1v1.

If u are complaining about WSG hunters, you can fear it, trap it, sleep it with druids or just tell ur dps to kill it. A hunter who invests all their talents and runes into a pet but shouldn’t have the pet do respectable damage is some copium takes. If it was as busted as you folks claim premades would run 3 or more hunters, they don’t…you run one or tops two.