HvH extended until 10 august! thx for the change we appreciate it

where is your god now alliance andys?


Hmm, wondering if this topic wll get overshadowed by the other one.
Where shall I open my popcorn ?

Youre a bit late for factiondrama, these days everyone is just worried if this disaster of a game will survive for the next 2-3 months.


oh don’t worry it survived long enough the clowns keep buying collectors and shop mtx!


Well, the disaster is complete, gj, you ruined the game for 1.5y just so you can have more fun for 2 weeks before you leave


doesn’t really matter alliance were gonna die anyways just like it died back in 2007

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Yeah man, literally doesnt matter, same as ques, they were in 2007, why not keep them? Keep up with your opinions

i got full season 2 set with honor and didn’t remember waiting in queue

but ok boss

Enlistmeny bonus extented to august ten ? That’s a good decision , we Alliance deserves more time to get more rewards from battlegrounds it should remain permanent he he he he ! :smiley:

hard agree

Pink gogpes much? Just keep being hypocrite mr zug, it fits you well

ofc they are pink i’m a paladin

I reallly hoe you are just trolling and that you know tge refeence…

I hope you realize you lost, whining on forums won’t change a thing

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I know, thats why i congratulated zugs on ruining the game one retail change at the time

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Source to this?

I guess they realized that its actually a good change and I doubt there will be going back to normal after this. After all, doing bgs is pretty much the only thing to do around there when youve done with dungeon spams and got enough gold to suit your needs, apart from raidlogging a couple times ofc.

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It sure that this game will survive for much more years. I only Hope that the Ally like you will not be bere anymore together with your toxicity. Just spread your toxicity somewhere else like… Final Fantasy 14! , Ideal community for people like you. In that game there are a lot of Toxic people.

while i’m happy with the super fast queue’s even at late nights
Why do my cute female elf character get an ugly MALE mask if i join on alliance side?!

Is there a reason to celebrate? Company has ongoing political crysis and most development work is stopped. They just extended whatever bandaid solution they had pending.

And even if Blizz would make HvH permanent what will they win in the long run from keeping faction disbalance? Death of wPvP and need for Warmode to conseal that there is less and less Alliance left in open world? Or only a fraction of Alliance player rerolling to Horde and keeping their suscriptions with majority of them just quitting in Wrath if disbalance reaches 30:70 ratio?