HvH is gamechanging

You sad because now Horde players can enjoy game too?
Maybe you better disable your forum account and leave Horde faction alone.
I don’t get how someone can get hurt because others can finally play game and enjoy it.
You are just egoistic.


It is gamechanging. It makes it possible to do bgs as horde. Good change and hope they stop removing it and putting it in every week from now on.


He just want some boost, same as zug want it all the time, whats wrong witf that?

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Being able to gain honor at a reasonable pace = getting a boost. Checks out, I suppose all Alliance got free bosts until now


Well, you think insta ques werent advantage? I would say they were, and horde had advantages elsewhere.


HvH is disgusting, it will lead to 100/0 servers and kill off alliance pvp.

there is no point whining though. guess we enjoy our awesome lootboxes or quit. Blizz have made their call, horde have won the day.


I put this post to reminder in almost two months. Let’s see if servers are 100% horde by then. I’ll get back to you!


Youeam pve server?

Dont forget of 1k gold too.

This is the worst and most stupid idea Ive seen on this forum lol.

Nah man, hvh easily beats it, but both are really dumb.


Dunno about that.

Fully agree on this tho. I mean Im not supprissed that some hordes are happy and when I was still playing it made playing bgs a lot of easier but its not a good solution and it damages the game too.

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I agree its a stupid idea, however, after implenting HvH there are only idiotic roads forwards.

They should have adressed the root cause.

They have made the game change for the horde.
Now they need to make the game change for alliance.

Its not egoistic, only fair.

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I love it how some people just refuse to understand that this will have negative effects on alliance side.

Blizzard was right to fix the queues but they were wrong to do that before they know how to address all issues which alliance is facing on most realms. And same faction battlegrounds will just make the current situation worse for the alliance.


Sad little alliance player complaining that horde can finally play the game XD how can a human be so sad its honestly astonishing to me.


Razorgore alliance went down to 30% and getting lower by the day. :slight_smile:

I’m sure one whole day of HvH did that.


Yeah Earthshaker Horde side went from 40% to 19% in 2 weeks that’s because of HvH too? Are you actually dumb?


we need to make a massive horde mass migration from every other EU server to Earthshaker imo.

would be fun to see how the alliance that all bunched up there, would react.


When did that exodus happen? During the release and the announce of the boost? The Razorgore exodus is happening as we speak. Are you dumb?

Zug zug cry, zug zug gets advantage, zug zug cry for more advantage, the true way of zug, always cry, always gets advantage, sad little crybabies

Oh look the kettle calling the pot black.

Let’s not forget that they implemented this major change to appease Horde players it only has negative consequences for Alliance but you don’t care right as long as YOUR alright.

I bet you also don’t notice that you have a much larger player base on the majority of servers, easier time recruiting for guilds or finding dungeons, better economy and better racials.

I don’t hear any Horde players mentioning the Alliance players on Horde dominated servers (the majority) where they are vastly outnumbered and have only a tiny player base playing there and have had to put up with it from P2 onwards in Classic they’ve just been left to rot - where is there fun experience when they can’t even get a group together for dungeons or buy items off the AH.

Funny isn’t it how Horde players will just expect them to pay for a transfer to solve the issue but refused to buy a boost and reroll Alliance themselves when faced with PvP queues and instead cried their eyes out to blizzard and threw their toys out of the pram to get a MAJOR change implemented into the game.

But hey, that’s none of my business.