Hydraxian Waterlords needs our help!

Free transfers TO and not FROM Hydraxian Waterlords will help us! \o/ We need people, we miss the community on our WOTLK Classic realm!

Everything is dire, the AH is barely alive, and with only now one guild having 25 man raids manageable we need help, we need transfers to us, our population is low, we need free transfers TO us!


Hydraxian Waterlords has always been the flagship of small and happy communities for Classic WoW, lets make HW great again with a little help from Blizzard!


Hello there!

I just started all over in Era @ HW! Im really hyped into it for the third time!
At the moment i am participating in the HC Challenge but for the time my Char is dying (and i’m sure he will ^^) i’m absoluteley planning to stay here an continue playing this Character. I really hope there will be a Community to enjoy the Endgame for a really long time! FCM from all Servers to Hydraxian Waterlords would be very very nice!

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Just to clarify you are talking about ERA and we are talking about WOTLK, and the two are not the same! :slight_smile:

Two separate realms.

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The realm definitely deserves some support in the form of free transfers TO that realm from anywhere else.


Please open free transfers to Hydraxian (WotLK Classic) Blizzard. There is no downside to doing this, it may move some people off the overpopulated realms and back onto the RP realms for those that want this. It should be a 24/7 availability until HW has some sort of player base again.


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