Hydraxian Waterlords RP REALM FCM Transfer REQUEST to BLIZZARD

This is WOTLK, not ERA.
Our realm population has gotten so low, there is only 1 25man raid available.
The Auction house is empty.
The LFG tool is unused.
PUGs are impossible.

I’m a day 1 Hydraxian Waterlords player, this is the worst the realm has been.
Several times for unclear reasons, Blizzard opened transfers OFF the server, consistently and irreparably crippling the population as entire guilds transferred off.

Without these Free Transfers off the realm, i believe HW would still be a relatively busy place to play, dare i say you could probably find at least 1 heroic dungeon per day.

I could write for hours about the realm, how it has been, the memories, but you’ve seen all this before.
Instead i’ll say, Blizzard, you had a large hand in the removal of our “healthy” population, and now we are begging you to assist us.

Please open up Free Transfers TO this realm, Hydraxian Waterlords wotlk.

You have the power to help, its a flip switch, let us raid and do social activities.

Please help.

Hydraxians, show your support for the realm.


Signing this petition with all my heart and characters.

The definition of „healthy“ might differ a lot, but if there are more people out there who describe „healthy“ as relaxed, non-anonymous, supportive, non-toxic and non-overcrowded - HW was exactly that before the second Exodus happened to this realm.

Please, Blizzard, open constant free transfers to this realm that many of us chose from the beginning, chose when the RP realms were closed or in a had to chose and learned to like and might want to chose now.

To the players out there, who are not happy on their mega realms: even if it says RP and you are no „role player“ - consider to give this realm a chance. You might even learn to love it as we roleplayers did once.


As a refugee from Zandalar Tribe, where Blizzard kept transfers OFF the server open for more than 6 months during TBC, please don’t make the same mistakes again. Opening these transfers even just once sends a panic signal and entire guilds transfer off at once, essentially gutting the server.

Please open transfers TO Hydraxian if you care about RP like you claimed back in August when you decided to keep Hydraxian open as the only RP server in Europe.


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