I’m sharing this feedback to express my frustration with the current state of Season 2 in TWW, particularly the issues with gear progression, key gatekeeping, and the lack of meaningful class and dungeon changes that continue to be ignored de

Its not a question of “its fine”. Its a question of “its better than S1” because of all the feedback from last season.

And in your chart all you show is that S2 has less people on launch than S1. Which is true for every expansion. EVER.

The only exception to that rule is S3 DF. They did something magical there.

And the data you post, you only have ONE data point. Its meaningless. What matters is that tail that stabilizes 10 weeks into the season. If it s a good season it will be high, and if its a bad season it will be low.

Come back in 10 weeks. Then we talk again what is good or bad.


The only thing ive noticed is that the gilded crest wall in M+ dungeons is still there, just lower down now. About time they just made it one currency.

I have seen the chart before you deleted your post.

Here is what you are missing.

S4 DF was the key level squish. Where keys 1-10 of SL, and DF S1 to S3 dissapeared. OF COURSE player count will be lower. You are counting literally half the levels.

Then. EVERY season has less players than the previous one. Its normal that in S2 of WW there are less people than in S1 of WW.

And then you have to consider the impact of Delves. Especially when you compare DF to WW. Which is a topic in its own right. But regardless, it causes a drop in M+ participation which is NOT due to dissatisfaction.

You are the one that literally cannot think about the data. You just look at the numbers and fit YOUR PoV to the data. Which is not how it should be done. The data, when analyzed properly should define your PoV.

Also. Do you think I am not aware that S1 was not good? I was one of the ones complaining about the issues. To the point that I quit playing for 4 months !

But you have to give credit when credit is due ! The changes that most impacted me, of which I complained the most, have been changed in S2. That is a FACT you cant deny.

its done on purpose

to get over it you are meant to use your own key and then use all the 660 + 2500 + score people farming gilded and bis trinkets etc .

getting into +7 as 650 itlv lone dps is missing impossibiru with everyone farming gilded in 7s .

and they wont make it 1 currency because they hated peopel having fun capping VP in +2s .

fun was detected fun was destroyed.

like always .