I’m sharing this feedback to express my frustration with the current state of Season 2 in TWW, particularly the issues with gear progression, key gatekeeping, and the lack of meaningful class and dungeon changes that continue to be ignored de

’m cancelling my subscription because of the issues with Season 2 of TWW and the lack of meaningful changes in the game. As someone who mainly plays M+, missing the first 24 hours of the season put me at a severe disadvantage. Players are already running 10-14s, with gear and set bonuses, while I’m stuck pushing +4s and dealing with gatekeeping from players who are afraid of delvers wrecking their keys.

It’s incredibly frustrating to see people who gear through Delves join +4-7 M+ dungeons, completely ignoring mechanics and ruining runs for others. This isn’t a problem in low-level dungeons, but it’s a huge issue in mid-tier content where it’s impossible to progress. It feels like there’s no incentive to keep pushing when this happens repeatedly.

Another major issue is the lack of support for non-meta classes, like Brewmaster Monk. This has been an ongoing problem since BFA, and despite feedback on class and dungeon changes, Blizzard continues to ignore what players are asking for. The fact that Blizzard has failed to listen in BFA, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, and TWW is tiring. I’ve been patient, but I’m done being ignored.

Blizzard’s approach to gearing has been frustrating too. S2 has better gearing than S1, but it still feels like casual players, particularly those who don’t raid, are deliberately kept out of Mythic+ gear progression. I don’t care about raids, but I expect to be able to progress in M+ without the need to spend hours in delves or rely on meta-class players who dominate keys.

The game feels increasingly catered to streamers and coordinated groups, and I’m tired of being excluded because I play solo or in PUGs. It’s impossible to get into groups without the right gear or class, and that’s not the kind of game I signed up for.

Blizzard needs to focus on producing more content that is accessible to a wider range of players, not just the top-tier or streamers. It’s clear that M+ is the real endgame for most PvE players, and it needs to be treated as such. The continued focus on raiders and streamers has led to a game that is less enjoyable for the majority of players who aren’t in premade groups.

Ultimately, I’ve been with Blizzard through thick and thin, but it’s become clear that they are more interested in catering to streamers and their own vision of the game than actually listening to and respecting the player base. Until Blizzard starts making real changes and listens to the feedback from the community, I’ll be unsubscribing and not returning.


Another whine where the solution is in your hands but you refuse to take the steps needed to play.


Yep, just another “It´s everyone elses fault that I refuse to do the things I obviously need to do” post…

Refuse to join an organized guild or comm? Check
Delvers ruining M+, even though nobody is being forced to invite them? Check
"WAAAAAAAH!!! Streamers are at fault for everything blahblahyaddayadda? Check

The fewer players like this we have, the healthier the community will become. :beers:

Mmm… that is not the reason. Im sorry…

24h ? Dont make me laugh. I played a grand total of 2 days this week. And im fine. So are many others.

You think people can see if you have done Delves or not on the LFG ? They cant. If they dont accept you its for other reasons.

In the range of keys you are playing (4 to 7) there is absolutely no problem. And all classes are represented almost equally. And those that are not (Ret Pala for example) its because of other reasons besides “meta” : People like their golden boyz.

NO. Its the 1st week of a patch. What are you expecting ? Delvers are never a problem. The problem is that nobody knows the mechanics yet.

And those that you mention that are doing +12s are people that played in the PTR, and know the dungeons from top to bottom before the patch went live.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Delvers.

Meta class players only dominate high end keys. The range of keys you are playing in is WELL bellow that.

As for gearing : DONT spend hours Delving. WHY ? Just play M+ and gear up full Heroic. You get rating while you are at it.

Skill >>> Gear. If you need gear to compensate skill, then THAT is the reason why you are at a lower level of key, that is why you have a slow progression. Not gear !

I PuG. Exclusevely. And have been playing RShaman since BFA. So other than a short period in SL and WW S1… I have been off meta every single season.

And I can tell you that you are exagerating. You dont need anything of that.

TLDR : A you problem that you blame on Blizz. Classic.

All that is a you problem. And Blizzard cant do anything about it.

Oh no, i had to take care of my parents from saturday morning till sunday morning, so i could barely play in the weekend, which is when i have the most time anyway.
End of season!

(Timed a couple of 9’s and finished 2 +10’s, looking forward to open the vault this evening after work)

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There’s people with max S1 gear, they can start higher. Usually they also spam the dungeons on PTR to learn, I don’t and I choose for that, I don’t even watch Streams or Video guides before the new season starts. If you had a S1 main with max gear, you could also do that. If not, then indeed you need to catch up. If you want to cancel your sub for that, it is on you. I just take my own pace, no issues finding groups (I also play in a community), I start slow and I catch up.

Don’t join keys with players who have no score that’s it. Also low keys are much harder than 10+ cause of ‘‘player affix’’. Reach 10+ key levels and you will be fine, 2-8 keys are sadly filled with WoW beginners these days.

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Don’t have to read all of this, to know it’s a bit of :fishing_pole_and_fish:, anyways SkillIssue git gud.

ofc you will be fine because then you will just keep invintg peopel in full mythic gear and let them carry you

thats the trick people have been using since start of m+ though .

That is a dumb comment.

Keys 2-8 are filled with people that did not play the PTR, or spent 4h watching videos and taking notes as if it was some class from UNI.

Its the 2nd week of the season. What exactly are you expecting?

And keys above 10+… you better have done your homework. Otherwise, there is no chance in hell people are even finishing the dungeon.

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i guess he misses good old times when everyone was jut farming +15s for mythic gv and be done :slight_smile:

i know i certainly do miss it s lot - m+ were much better experience back then

Disagree. There is no “better” or “worse”.

Just different. And that is good.

Because even the good things become boring and repetitive.

These people weren’t doing +15’s week 1 either.

Nah, on +2 bosses do little damage, so your comment is even dumber. It is literally filled with WoW beginners. What kind of ‘‘watching guides’’ you even want in a +2. nonsense.

K.U. - J.O. is a prime example of how not knowing a simple mechanic can litteraly destroy keys, had it happen yesterday in a god damn +3, because Healer didn’t dispell the Tank debuff.

I said keys 2 to 8. Not specifically 2s.

But that is not the point. You will still die to avoidable mechanics if you dont know about them. Even in a 2+.

I havent timed a flootgate yet. My best is an out of time +4. Some basic knowledge does really help.

I did that place only once. On a +6 (untimed).

That frog mini-boss thing hits kinda hard… :S

What are you on about?
I also don’t like raiding. I was doing delves on the first day of M+, and I did a few on day 1.

I still managed to get myself into +8 right now, and I will do all +10 on Wednesday when I finally get my 4-piece. From there, I will slowly push into +12 for the achievement and mount.

I’ve already started playing Shadow Priest, and I managed to do +6, +5, and a few lower ones like +4, +3, and +2 just by doing my own key. I managed to get myself into the 1400 RIO environment, so I don’t see any problem joining groups right now, whether it’s on my main or my alt.

But posting this not on your main is kind of telling me that you are hiding something very important from us

You see the same people commenting “it’s fine” over and over and over again, despite massive negative feedback for the community (just check reddit for example). And when you check their logs, they are doing 8-10 keys - people who barely have any experience of either keys or pugging.

What people doesn’t seem to grasp is that pugging was decent until TWW S1. Sure, there were issues and complaints but the forums wasn’t flooded with negative feedback like it has been during TWW. That gotta say something but some people seem to just block it out and pretend it’s raining.

“Join a community!”
Why should I join communitys when I haven’t needed to do that before in ANY season/expansions before TWW?

So yeah, basic logic says that something is wrong when you got tons of player complaining from all kinds of groups (content creators, the ultra die-hard sweatlords, the casuals, world first raiders, etc etc). There’s a widespread dissatisfaction.

Personally I have probably over 500 M+ runs per season(!) since Legion spread over several characters, used to play in the range of the 1%~ in M+ - solely pugging and never ever a meta class. Have NEVER EVER had no issues of que times or finding groups before TWW S1.

Ignore what the forum fan boys says. There is A LOT of people that agrees with you and the M+ numbers are there to show it.

I am willing to bet my left arm that the numbers will keep dropping pretty much every week forward.

There’s a vast group of people that agrees with you, and Blizzard need to get a grip because this is far from good.

I’m in the same boat as you. I’m skipping S2 entirely.

And also, the ridiculous gold costs for everything. Blizzard need to realize that since they implemented M+ they now got a group of players that’s in the game purely for M+.

I am one of those players.

I’m not a WoW player. I am a Mythic Plus player. I actually started playing in Legion for the first time. For me, gearing is not “fun” or “content”. It’s just an annoying obsticle I need to get past before I can start enjoying what I think is fun (pushing keys). I’m not interested in doing WQ’s for gold so I can afford to repair or buy enchants, finishing a key 10 should reward at least a few hundred golds imo.

I don’t want to spend money on a token just so I can buy enchants, craft gear, get pots etc. Of course, here I am well aware that you gotta do some work but farming several 100k’s of gold just to afford to get the basics of enchants, pots, crafted gear is just ridiculous. Previous expansions you could spend a few hours/week to farm some herbs and sell and then you’d be fine for 2-3 weeks of active M+. And ofc, you had the Mission Tables which was a reliable source for gold.

But hey, their system work. People are buying more tokens than ever (saw it somewhere, can’t confirm by source) so Blizzard is smiling. This is definitely what they aimed for; more token sales.

Hell, I neither care or know a single think about the lore, skipping everything I can, doing the absolute bare minimum so I can get straight into M+.

My brother on the other hand is a WoW player. He’s one who’s farming mogs, mounts, doing AllTheThings and such, and he’s been playing the game since Classic Beta and we have absolutely 0 in common in the game. He absolutely despise the M+ scene and I completely agree with him that M+ players is ruining the experience for the “WoW players” (you get my drift).

Solution? I really don’t know. Maybe just open a official M+ server similar to the MDI trials servers where you can get the gear you want and start pushing immediatly instead of relying on farming and luck for that bis trinket or whatever, and keep normal, HC and Mythic dungeons on the live servers.

Sorry for a post that is all over the place, written on my mobile.