I am back wehoo

hello everyone

whats the rp scene like

Plentyful on both sides, anything else you want to know in specific?

footman rp

There are a few guilds that do footman rp, this one being one of them.

[PCU] Guard / Footman RP - Stormwind City Sentry :lion: - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


welcome back dealen my brother

Welcome back bro

Do you have a new mixtape in the works?

The RP is quite nice, Goldshire is still a thing so avoid that.

For Alliance you can find a bunch of roleplay in Stromwind and Duskwood, as well I’ve noticed some RP in Lakeshire.

as for Horde I mostly notice not much RP outside of the evenings in the valley of honor but I say it as I don’t play much Horde.

As footman RP there are plenty around the server, there is Stromwind City Sentry which I’m apart of, but there are plenty others such as the Scarlet’s and many others - Best thing you can do is ask around In-Character and you might find something that suits your character.

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