I am burned out/bored

Hello. New player here. I did not buy any expansions only game time to “try out the game”.
I am the kind of guy that you need to tell me what to do. So I downloaded an addon called “Azeroth Pilot Reloaded” that helped me in questing.
I did the BFA scenario with side quests, and I did the shadowlands scenario with the side quests. I am not at the covenant campaign (night fae because I am a hunter) and I am already burned out and bored to death.

When I see how much work I still need to do to reach end game is extremely off-putting. Do you guys think this game is just not for me?
Because if I have to do hundreds more of mindless quests I will literally die xD.

How would you guys approach the game as a new player, what would you do if you would be in my spot?

I wanted to try out some other classes also with chromie time, but the fact that quest completion is not “account-wide” and I need to redo everything on different alts if I don’t buy level up packages is extremely wild.

Thank you guys.

If you don’t like the game, you can always play another game.

It will be more of this, more or less, every (new) expansion. Don’t spend time at something you don’t like.

But honestly from my 0.02 pence, every MMO is somewhat the same with questing. You could try FPS, MOBAS or other genres otherwise.

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If you fundamentally dislike questing, then as Saneko says, you will not like any of the MMORPGs.

But if you want to see what else is in the game, queue for a PvP Battleground, or a Dungeon, which will give you a taste of non-questing content.

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I think you’re confusing quest completion and levelling. You don’t need to complete quests to reach max level (although you do need to do the current expansion’s campaign - currently Dragonflight - ONCE to unlock some endgame content).

You can level via dungeons, battlegrounds, gathering professions… probably other ways that I haven’t thought of. It’s possible to reach max level without ever doing a single quest, although the most efficient way is to queue for instanced content (dungeons and BGs) while questing, and also herb and mine any nodes you come across.

You have a game that has 20+ years of content, of course it feels like big black hole to fall into and be lost in it. You have to learn to prioritize things, you do not have to go through all those expansion quests. Of course not.
Is there a reason why you did? Or did you just mindlessly follow the addon, which is not the way to have fun btw; it is trying to optimize the fastest route to level up that is all.

As you have seen from others you have alternatives to questing, to mix things up.
Maybe add some adventuring to it, just head out and get lost in the woods somewhere to be amazed by how big the game actually is?
That’s what I did back when I started, got lost so many times and had so much fun just running around like a headless chicken in the world.

Also I’d like to point out that the “true end game” is max lvl locked,
so you probably will not be seeing raids or high difficulty dungeons without biting the bullet and buying the expansion.
It may sound harsh, but the game is very end game orientated and it does include quests to an extend yes.
You might be able to get a group who accepts you as lvl 60 for some transmog runs in BfA or Shadowlands, but it won’t be true raiding when max lvl are rushing forward.

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