I am glad the tree mount won

Is this mount gonna be free for all who bought SL or its gonna be a Shop mount? M+ achievement mount?

I hope we can get a tree hugging emote to go with the tree mount :evergreen_tree: :hugs:

Available to all who purchased SL.

Pre-order only or just a normal purchase when SL is released?

ALL who have SL.

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Oh yeah… i didnt even think about that xD its gona be awkward especially on undead players :skull_and_crossbones:

Can someone check how the US forum mount vote is going? Is the Tree Mount winning there too?

Yes it is winning

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This is definitely a great idea.
Burn all those who didn’t vote for Slime Cat.

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The spelltome is the only one worth getting because it flies.

Worgen Warrior wants flappy Book Mount…End Times, confirmed.

Wouldnt you dismount any mount thats on fire?

Except the firehawks / other “tamed” fire mounts?


Shame that the Spelltome didn’t get as much love…

Shame that neurbian swarm spider also did not win.

Ehm… Now the perfect time to bump

Please torch toy to burn all those trees!!


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