I wanted to post a screenshot, but cant include links. Anyway, rogue healed 500k in arena, i healed 200k barely, death strike is ruined. BRING SOME HEALING BACK IN MY LIFE
But you’re a Death Knight, not Life Knight. Stay dead goddammit!
Best comment ever
And no one talk about mastery
Dh with same gear as a dk have much more mastery.Current developers last few expansions maining dh,rogue,mage thats why they are S-tier (if they loose few arenas against dk → insta nerf) and that wont change until they get quit job or get fired then you can prey for some not classist person to get class balance job.
Warrior heal 100k heal ON demand (balanced) for exaple. we play with so many 2 min bad heals cds. and some random proc spell warden. when you need heal like good shell or good DS you dont have it. is you play 2s espasialy you will feel disapoint comper to other similar classes. personal i feel since BFA i start play again same rotation nerf DS Buff DS nerf DS BUFF master Nerf Nerf Nerf mastery.
Death strike wasnt even that op to begin with. Healed only when it landed. Any kind of dodge parry rtc is a 0 and wasted RP. It’s a joke
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