Buff warlock
Come to Ten Storms and fight me in Stranglethorn Vale, I will beat you up Kork.
Gratz! Your description of what you’ve been doing sounds very similar to my own (I’ve 2 chars almost at 60 and been playing since day 1 of classic). Hit exalted in AV so at least when they ding I’ll get a cheaper mount lol.
Now the TRUE suffering begins !
Gratz sir =)
Congratz! Im leveling my second character(warrior) which will probably become my main as it was back in Vanilla. Taking my time to explore things and enjoying the the world of Azeroth.
Gratz my friend
Grats, my dear friend dorf! <3
(10 char)
Well done dude. Good to see some positivity on here for once.
I’ve also had an absolute blast levelling. Not at 60 yet, been taking my time and not rushing to 60. Such a great experience
Congrats mate!!
Also took me 6 (1/2) months (also ~17 days of playtime) with this OG character back in Vanilla. You still invested 2h20mins on average each day.
Grats. I took 6 months once with a Shaman but I took an extended break after level 40 when I got mount and lost motivation. I was at college at the time also.
I think this character took 3 weeks, I cant remember exactly.
yay congrats Arbet!
I’m so glad you took your time and enjoyed your levelling journey.
Were there any significant moments that you can remember in your adventure?
Any great stories?
Grats boomer.
ME aswell, stil like the game as much as 15y ago.
Thank azaroth no more retail!!!
Better late than never, grats.
Taking the slow levelling path if you’re unfamiliar with Classic was the best choice you could have made. When people say we can never re-live our old memories of Vanilla, they’re completely right. But people without those memories can most certainly make them.
Too many to count!
One of the best was in Deadmines, when we had to 3-man a ton of mobs, and it required some serious dedicated teamwork.
in Tanaris, I was trying to do the pirate quests, but there were about 8 Horde who were picking me and other alliance players off. So I gathered the 4 of us who were questing, got us together, and we fought tooth and nail for about an
hour, battling off the horde and also killing the pirates.
I think everyone has 100 stories from Stranglethorn that they could tell. When Honor was released, I was sick off work, and spent two solid days in STV with this random South Korean guy, a rogue, and we went round the zone endlessly killing every Horde player over and over again. Cheered me right up lol.
I started in TBC, and I’ve played vanilla private servers a few times (not all the way to 60 though). The game never gets old, and I’ve made new memories each time. The original design of the game was just great because the game relies on players interacting with each other and working together. And that always makes good memories.
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