I am new in hardcore realm

Hiii!! I want to make a character in the hardcore realm but I want to take it easy.

I was wondering if there is any tier list from more complicated classes to easier ones to play and recommendations before I start playing in a realm.

It’s not my first time doing hardcore challenges, but it’s my first time in the wow hardcore realm

Thanks ^^

From my point of view:
rogue, mage, priest - ‘not so hard’
shaman (horde only) - easy 2 start, hard 2 finish
warrior - hard start, very hard 20-30 levels, then it progresses 2 normal finish

But tbh if you play careful and avoid unnecessary dangers (ignore caves, careful pulls, doing green quests, avoid layers hopping, always check 2 have food and heal / mana pot and bandage with you) - its not THAT hard. Only problem that could find you is ‘netters’ (some mobs can immobilise you for like 10 seconds and cries for help, so you can’t run away and may get overwhelmed).

Play what´s most appealing/fun for you and be careful like the other person wrote.

That being said, mage/priest are probably the classes with the easiest time leveling. Probably only beaten by hunters.

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Warrior is very nice just gotta kill enemies below your level. Easy to find groups for dungeons as tank.
Piercing howl really op escape tool.
Once mobs start to get harder at 50ish level range warrior starts to scale and with some good drops makes the last levels breeze

Depends on which side you choose! there are a lot of dangerous areas and random elites a little here and there and both sides and also guards deployed in the world or that quest areas join too close smaller villages of the opposite faction.
Always buy all these mini buffs minor flasks! They help in the beginning and also coming to the dungeons is an extra plus for your fellow travelers

Easy classes and most fun ones is - hunters, warlocks, mages. Prist are good but they so boring to leveling becase you wanding thats it.

Tisp for realms - Neck rosh for hordes - Stitches for alliance .

Easiest and fastest - hunters, definitely
Priest,paladin - good survavibility but slow and boring.
Warrior, rogue - can be good if you can afford fiery weapon enchant, some consumes and get world buffs, very gear and consumes dependent classes
Mage - very good mobility, can go alive of many situations when other classes die. Teleport to major cities also save a lot of time for flying/running. Also has an option of very fast aoe levelling if you want some challenge.

Nobody’s mentioned Warlocks, so I’ll add that a Warlock is pretty darned easy and fast too. Personally I’d avoid the traditional route of going Affliction for levelling and fear kiting everything as it’s just too dicey on HC. I’d go full demo - though others may disagree.

drainlife tanking is a pretty solid build to