I am not having fun

And send the gold to me, dont forget that part.


WOTLK was garbage

You should really get off the internet for a bit. You seem to be incredibly unstable.
Take a break my guy


I deny that I’m in denial. Anyway, bye then.


This expansion hasn’t even started yet…


You seem to be posting on a classic character, are you sure you’ve been playing the correct version?

I have had a lot of fun this exp, so much that this is my third level 80. Really looking forward to the season start and i unironically believe Blizzard did a great job.


this is why i uninstalled and unsubbed before 80… the pandering was also a big reason and no i have no gold i gave it too the guild bank for all you unimaginative people out there that’s gonna ask.

War Within is really fun. I love it.


I’m mainly disappointed by the lack of gameplay change. The game itself is beautiful and the zones are great but the hero talents don’t bring much to the table. It feels like a DF new season rather than a brand new expac.


It largely feels like a reskinned DF to me as well. More formulaic than I expected, actually.

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it was 15 years ago. 15. ok? 15!


Then quit.
We’ll miss you, for sure.

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The problem is timegated makes game boring coz it is way too much to control the game which it means we cant do what we want. There are so many wrong things in The War Within! Imagine to wait 2 weeks more when there is no to do!


When I don’t find something fun I do something else.

This thread being brought to us by the starter of the absurd I am sick of LGBTQ+ propaganda in WOW thread kind of makes me think “good, hope they quit”…

If you want people to take your complaints seriously, have serious complaints.


If you say so :pensive:

laughs in twitter integration patch


I agree with some of your points.

For example i agree with the alliance vs horde theme. I don’t like mixing it up. Horde vs Alliance is the core theme of Warcraft universe.
We should join forces to defeat greater evil, sure, but let’s continue killing each other after that again.
Joining up eternaly is wrong.

WoW is repetetive, i mean, what would you like Blizzard to do different? It’s WoW… You do quests… You do pvp, pve… That’s just the game is about…

And lastly, WoD was never a bad expansion. It’s propably my second most favorite expansion, after Legion.


Wod was bad but in a good bad way. We didn’t have dungeons m+ and or new seasons that force us to do the same dungeons over and over and over over over over over again to get gear.

My wish is for blizzard to make m+ back in to challenge mode to get cool transmogs instead of gear.

like the gear we get is passed behind a paywall now people are buying wow tokens and spamming HC to get the tokens to buy the 580+ crafting gear.

Then later obsolete in the next season start. I remember when crafting gear was something in WOD now crafting gear feels like something you just buy to pad ilvl then sell for better gear in raid and or dungeon.

Give WOD a bad expack treatment but the gear you crafted were better than today and on par with end game.


Tbh at this point post i just see Retail as a different game after Cata. But i will admit the lack of conflict between horde and alliance really is sad.

Rather than comparing ive just kinda realised retail is its own things. Even if its not always great.

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