I am not having fun

classic andy :sleeping:

Then you ought to have quit some years ago, because you will never be satisfied and just continue denigrating WoW ad infinitum. Such a negative and nauseating attitude.

As long as I get their gold…

Don’t worry, I’ll bleach their gold first if they quit.

I still don’t like MoP for its aesthetics. Everything is so completely different from anything else on Azeroth. Outland and Draenor looked like it could’ve been on Azeroth because a lot of the monsters, architecture and culture can be found there too.

But Pandaria? From critters to elementals to dragons, they’re all so otherworldy.

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I dislike Legion. That expansion started the decline into repetitiveness and farming on top of farming ideology.

It seems like the game is not for you anymore, I’ve been having the most fun I’ve had on retail in years and M+ and raids aren’t even out yet. It seems that you have the wrong idea about what WoW is.

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Let’s make a post saying I’ve been playing the game since wrath or Legion and I’m still playing even though I hate the game… Mate just don’t play the game no need to post about it.

If it’s that bad then game will fail simple. The game isn’t vastly different, you are different. You are older, less time on your hands, real life stuff. The game has been adapted in a way to accommodate people with lives. Where as classic is more raw. The thing is loads of people don’t have time for classic, or dont to play the same old stuff they played which makes sense so we have a variety to try and fit all players.

It’s war against the nerubians. It’s world of WAR craft. Not world of alliance and horde craft. If you want war against the other faction, turn war mode on. You’ll get war against them. Most people just don’t wanna be killed when in pve year gear Vs PvP gear though because PvP gear scales much higher in PvP and it’s a very unfair fight. If you’re not having fun though, don’t play it. No one’s holding a gun to your head and telling you to play something you don’t enjoy. Most people dont like PvP. Blizz tried to make PvP work with bfa and it didn’t work well because it’s not what the majority want.

Give the expansion time to flourish, it hasn’t been out officially a week yet and your bored?

There is a plenty to do, just comes down to what your interested in.

I like the fact horde and alliance are together, there will always be that line and people will always love one more than the other… But differences aside how long could you go on with a story plot for just horde and alliance? It would get old very quickly. The fact that we’re all fighting together to save azeroth is more important than he/she is red and I’m blue!

People moan and want so much these days… But just have patience like we used to? What happened to a little bit of patience.

Artifact weapons were the worst part of the expansion right after legendary items.

Also Athas was overrated as hell i have been tired of people slobbering about him since WC3.

Then quit nobody will remember or miss you. When i don’t like playing something you know what i do? I don’t play that game then.

Or i just like different things that you do people are different you know.

Everybody goes to the Grizzly Hills outhouse. It’s canon, trust me.

I’m actually nowhere near Egypt :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Is it because of the ‘woke’, as you put it yesterday?

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But yet you still keep playing and paying. Your sole words aren’t going to change anything, sadly.

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This is what happens when people relax and keeps asking for the same thing over and over again. I think personally M+ should be FMO transmogs not a ilvl grab.

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