I am raid locked on mythic even though I DID NOT Kill any bosses

I got a power outage, and I was in the instance. I logged into the game after. I clicked “Leave instance” I did not accept the lock. I get tp’d out. I check my raid info. I find i am locked on first two.
I did not even kill anything. Please remove my mythic lock

Thats not something forum support can do.
You would need to ask a GM via ticket, and I suspect the answer would be that they can’t either.


Hello there Lovelesszen,

That sounds like some pretty unfortunate timing, and it can take some time for your character to be removed from the raid/instance following a disconnect.

It sounds like bosses were downed before you were properly booted out, which would indeed cause you to get saved, even if you didn’t participate directly.

You can read more about this here:

Sadly, once you’re saved this way there is no way to undo it, even by Game Masters, and you’ll have to wait for the weekly reset for another go at it.


The bosses were not downed, I left the instance pre kill, I was not raid locked upon relog. when I was out of the raid, I was locked

Then please open a proper ticket, either ingame or via the website, so that a GM can take a look at it, if you truly believe that your case is somehow significantly different. But if you even sneezed at one of the bosses becore your untimely DC, you´re probably out of luck I´m afraid.

This is because Mythic IDs are not personal Boss IDs like in LFR/N/HC, but are instance /group locked , “traditional” so to speak. This means that everybody that has that ID will always have the exact same lockout… So if you got an ID for whatever reason despite no bosses being slain, and someone else starts a pug with that ID, any bosses killed in that pug will lockout everyone that has that ID, regardless of whether they were present or not. Same holds if you damaged a boiss but didn´t complete the fight while the rest did. They will not reset 20 (or more) People´s ID just to appease 1 :wink:

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