I am randomly getting disconnected and it's getting really annoying now

Last time i was in a dungeon and i got disconnected for no reason. When I reconnected i was dead and i couldnt release so the party memebers thought i was afk and kicked me. Then i was teleported out of the dungeon and i was alive but got dismounted and fell to death . (i was riding my drake when i teleported into the dungeon) Then i had to wait six minutes until i could release. I’m teling you this because i wouldn’t care about getting disconnected but this one made me really angry. My internet works just fine so I doubt that would be the source of the problem. My computer is a low-end pc but i guess just because my game is lagging sometimes i shouldnt get disconnected (?) So please someone tell me why is this happening.


I’ve the same problem. The memory leak seem to be returned into the new version, too.

‘Blizzard’ probably need a more accurate testing. Instead the downloadable bit-dump sent to update

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Hey Kithinnya,

I’d love to do that for you, but there are many things that could be causing this too happen. Let’s start by going through the steps listed in the Connection Troubleshooting Support Article. Please go through all the steps thoroughly, and test again afterwards to see if any further disconnects take place.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

I’m getting DC’ed aswell, seems to be something Battlenet (for me atleast) related as I also get some reconnect/DC issues every so often on Hearthstone. No problem with anything else, twitch streams running flawlessly on 1080p60fps and no problems with youtube or other streaming sites like HBO Nordic/Netflix.


Fell to death too, after kicked outta group after DC’ed.
Absolutely lame coding, testing, and unethical lying support that denies obvious like a professional politician.

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Thank you for answering, but my internet works perfectly while doing everything else, only WoW has connection problems