I am stuk in Elo Hell

I am not the one who started flaming people’s ratings.

And lets not pretend that RBGs/blitz takes a lot of personal skill. It’s mostly based on luck, setup, and being able to play with a competent second player. And only then comes gear and personal skill. People who claim that their high CR in blitz is purely due to themselves are suffering from a form of main character syndrome.

And it is perfectly fine to criticize the, poorly implemented, system.


Yet you’re happy when someone hands off all of the blame for losses to their team mates. Thats not main character syndrome at all, right?

Being told “improve at the game to climb” and responding with “i was the 10th highest rated warrior in the world” isn’t MC syndrome, either, right?

No ego or main character syndrome here, right? No - its the guy who tells you to take personal responsibility and be better if you want to be higher rating, thats the guy who has MC syndrome and an ego. Hahaha, okay man.

At the end of the day there is a balance - for the sake of argument lets say its 20/20/40.

20% of the time you get boosted for free.

20% of the time you lose and theres nothing you can do.

40% of the time you can have massive impact and carry a game.

no one sane thinks either the free boosts or free losses don’t exist. if you encounter anyone who says otherwise - who sits at 40% winrate blaming their team mates or the system, you’ve encountered an insane person.

People like Razien will spin their wheels in the mud for years to come, waiting to either get lucky or burn out. They will never improve, because they’ve already decided they’re playing optimally and don’t need to improve. You can’t talk sense into someone who has screenshots of when they were the 10th highest rated warrior in the world 10-15 years ago. They’re just a lost cause.

It’s more like 20-25%, max.

You can compensate for 1 or 2 bad players, but not for 3, 4 or 5.

Then don’t waste your time with them. I didn’t read his posts.

explains why you came in guns blazing with some random 1999 rating number!

I did read yours.

And I didn’t use guns.

Literally none, no? How do you get “ego” from an objective fact? All I did was show that I have ‘some’ experience playing high-rated Rbgs and that I’m not clueless.

I really do just live rent free in your head don’t I?

Just plain incorrect.

Actually hilarious that you think that.

The only thing I’ve done so far is point out the obvious design flaw in the MMR system being used and you’ve got your panties in a bunch?

What is your issue exactly with improving peoples experience playing Blitz? Wouldn’t it be better if they addressed the obvious design flaws?

He physically cannot help himself.

Bottom line is, if ur stuck at 1500 after 50+ games u are a 1500 player (at least on that class)

It’s a matter of mmr. In 3k lobbies, most players typically have an excellent grasp of objectives while also being great at fighting. At 1,8 and below, players typically possess neither of these qualities.

As far as I can tell, playing objectives is much more valuable in blitz than being a good fighter. People who fight at around duelist level in arena can reach at least 2.4 in blitz somewhat easily as long as they prioritize objectives and go for them smartly.

Players who can’t get past 2k in this season of blitz should try to PTFO more. 1.5 and below or hood mmr as I call it is a place where most people just attack the first enemy in front of them, no matter how pointless it is in terms of scoring points and getting the team ahead. A player who deliberately goes out of his or her way to play objectives sticks out like a sore thumb in this sea of mediocrity and has an easy time carrying their team.

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Well put.

I’ve seen this happen a lot. Randomly jumping on players in mid instead of doing a improvised strategy, completely ignoring the flag carrier. I guess they think it’s just a normal random BG, so they play it as one.


I’m just surprised by how basic BG knowledge is entirely absent from people even at 1.8mmr. It’s so frustrating to play with these people. It was different when RBGs became a feature back in WoD, as far as I can remember.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that 8v8 solo mode is impossible to climb. You as a single player have no control over too many variables. Look at mobas that you need to be a monster to carry other 4 people, and climb MOBA rating, and still be close to impossible from some positions. And those games have much more straightforward gameplay and rules. AND way less randomness in terms of team balance.

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Please explain why there are far more 2.4 plus ranked players in this bracket than in any other bracket atm and why it’s usually the players who have been doing well in RBG for years who lead the scoreboard.

Blitz is impossible to climb if you don’t play objectives. It’s a piece of cake for everyone who does. I know players of all sorts of classes that are now either elite or duelist in this bracket. One thing they all have in common: They go out of their way to play objectives.


This is a pure copium. I have two rshamans SOLO queue (no duo). First is 2000 with 65% wr (around 60 games), 2400mmr
Second - 1800 CR with 2700 mmr (80% wr, 30 games). Or would you also say I got lucky and I’m currently on my 15 games winstreak at 2400mmr+.

Yes I’ve lost a lot of games at 1500 mmr, where our base was defended by a 30% wr hunter/rogue against a 60% wr rogue. Obviously a loss. But next time the roles are reversed and it’s up to you if you win a not in a long run


My sad story of BGB destruction warlock.

A couple of days ago I had 2200 CR and 2500+ MMR. Now I have 964 CR and 1500 MR. It started when I somehow accidentally got a 6-7 game losing streak. Game after game the matchmaking system transferred me to a weaker team with AFK or just low-skilled players, or the enemy team was simply better balanced.

So I got into a MMR deficit. Then playing with about 50% win rate I only drop lower and lower, getting +5-8 points for a win and -14-18 points for a loss. To get out of the deficit I needed to get a win streak of 5-6 games - which is absolutely unrealistic at such a rating and with such a matchmaking system.

I tried my best to get out, at the beginning of each match I took the initiative and told the strategy. I reviewed the guides for all the maps. I showed maximum dedication in every game. But it turned out to be absolutely useless. I dropped to 2k.

Of course, I got butthurt and went down to the point where I started to leave from BG and get -200 rating, which led me to 964 CR.

I will never play in this mode again. But if there was an opportunity to reset my rating to the initial level, I would try again.


From my experience pushing 3 toons to get the set in this mode and generally just enjoying battlegrounds, the worst thing you can do is play on the weekends, literal death sentence, the quality of the games go down so much it’s insane

If you want good quality matches, play around 11:30 on a Thursday or something, mid day on a Saturday/Sunday is complete circus