I Am Undead And I Need Help

The draenei death knight combination is very shaky in lore, given that they are light zealots having your cousin walk in with a rotten face and worse smell would be abhorrent to them.

DK lore is also they’re fairly focused on combat, there’s some parts that (i dont know if they were retconned) established DKs having to inflict pain to survive - they’re all around pretty edgy overall and an odd sight to see in your local tavern enjoying an ale.

The reaction of ordinary people to a hulking undead monstrosity isn’t going to be favourable, not in the least due to the myriad of atrocities they’ve witnessed at the hands of the Scourge et al.

Rotgarde are forsaken loyalists, though I don’t think they accept undead elves other than as dark rangers.

Thanks for the reply!

Again, I’m a newbie, what is wrong with Undead Elves? Why do they have to necessarily be Dark Rangers (hunters)? Can’t a caster elf be resurrected as an undead? I just don’t get it. And it’s not like there are no undead sorcerers in the game.


Death Knights are, always and forever, going to have a rough time in social RP settings. Violent tendencies, stunted emotions, dark history and the reaction that they get from the living all make for a very different experience to what any other class gets.

That being said, social RP on them isn’t impossible. It’s very difficult, and you’re required to go in with the expectation that you are a hated, horrid monster because that’s just the truth, but it is possible.
Most DKs in a social setting though, much like DHs who are much in the same boat, get a bad reputation as those that play them typically aren’t careful at all. They’re either trying too hard to be edgy or not trying at all to portray the class they’ve chosen… Which often discourages other people from interacting.

If you’re just looking for casual, social RP with no issues, I’d really recommend a change to something more down-to-earth. Otherwise, all I can say is to roll with the punches, especially on Alliance.

Draenei Deathknights are not wrong per se, but the combination is even harder to play than deathknights of most other races.

Elven DK are not wrong either, but the Forsaken are not the Ebon Blade and the Forsaken Loyalists were enemies of the Ebon Blade, so you cant be both.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong necessarily - I’m not in the guild currently so I don’t know what the recruitment limitations are, I know historically Rotgarde has tried to remain forsaken/undead so undead elf spots tend to be limited. You’d be better speaking to the GM or officer of the guild to get a better idea.

I didn’t mean Elven DKs, I mean Undead Elves (pale skin, red eyes).

Dark Rangers are allowed, but atm we’re satisfied with the number we have of those

You can RP being an undead elf, just use the undead model

Once again, I am just curious. Why is having more people in the guild bad? Isn’t it the more the merrier?

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i like the undead model more for the aesthetic

And I thought that the Undead shouldn’t be the one to discriminate against others, considering how hated and prejudiced against they are already, ha

They can, however, when it comes to RP guilds, they tend to go for a certain theme and look. Dark Rangers (whether represented by hunter or rogue) are something that appears a lot among Forsaken in the lore, so they fit the setting and theme of a Forsaken guild. Having robed undead elves summoning demons or shooting frostbolts fits such guild much less.
Also, I think Arthas mainly raised Farstriders, leaving the rest of high elves dead (if I´m wrong in this, correct me), which is why you only see them among Forsaken ranks as Dark Rangers.

In general terms, GMs often want to go for a certain theme and look. For example, if someone created an Alliance military guild focused on humans, dwarves and high elves, but through process of people joining/leaving ended up with 80% high elf guild roster, they might want to stop recruiting more high elves and instead focus on balancing out the other races so the actual guild roster fits the guild´s theme better.


This depends on the guild. A guild like the Rotgarde is strongly themed around the Forsaken, and should probably take steps to ensure the member base represents this. While a few dark rangers fit in the theme, an overwhelming number of them may change the theme of the guild. I’m not a member, so take this as my speculation.

You keep asking the question “what is wrong with x”, and like I said above, there’s nothing wrong with draenei death knights and undead elves. But every guild has its theme. Every character concept has situations, guilds and locations where they fit well, and others where they stand out like sore thumbs. No one is saying you can’t play an undead elf, simply that they aren’t desired in a specific, heavily themed guild. Similarly, you can play a draenei death knight all you like, but don’t expect them to be welcome in a draenei-themed guild, as they would naturally avoid the undead.


Personally I love draenei, tauren, and night elf death knights because of how tragic all of their states of (un)living are. Tauren and night elves have a lot of cultural significance with nature so existing as an undead outside of nature’s cycle is a real breeding ground for angst. The same with draenei and so much of their culture being tied into the Light and the Naaru.

Admittedly yes, it’s a bad choice for social RP but conceptually I love the theme of existing as the antethesis of what a character was in life.


Indeed, the rotgarde is and long has been at its core a guild around forsaken and only forsaken, using the forsaken character model for both aesthetic and practical (language, racials) reasons. Actually using the elf model for dark rangers is by all means a fairly recent addition.


I’m seeing a lot of very focused and cynical replies in this thread. I wish we would all be a bit kinder about what others choose to roleplay - especially when its not infringing on lore or the integrity of the story. Really happy to see so many great scene and guild suggestions though!

I’d just like to say, play what makes you happy. The right place for you will come eventually if you keep looking instead of changing what you play to fit into the wrong place.


Congratulations child of Undeath.
You have reached your maximum potential and have conquered death itself, now utilizing the force in your favor.

There are plenty in The Forsaken Community that are happy to help you learn Undead RP & DK ins and outs. Seek them out!


I didn´t see anyone criticising the concept, rather people were simply pointing out known difficulties one can face when RPing a DK (especially a draenei one) and why it might be easier going for different concept if one wants to do unguilded casual RP.

While it´s important that people pick what they enjoy over what might fit into more guilds, saying “right place for you will come eventually” isn´t particularly good advice. While that might have been true in ye olde days, it is not uncommon that entire RP niches (lore organizations, races and so on) having just one or two RP guilds at most these days, with some not even having a single one.
Flexibility when it comes to what races/classes someone would like to RP is a good trait, because it allows player to find a home in the community without taking possibly even years of searching.


The trade-off here (in my experience) is that if someone compromises too much on what they’d like to play in order to find a guild, especially when they started with a clear idea of the concept/s they’re attracted to, they tend to burn out pretty quickly. Consistency and commitment to an OC is probably the most appealing trait a roleplayer can have imho.


In the end it´s about balance. You compromise on too many things, you end up burned out. You refuse to adapt to the reality and you´ll end up RPing alone, always hoping for that ideal guild that would fit your character concept.


I remember when I was on AD I went with my main which was DH at the time (BFA-early shadowlands).

Pretty much not a good fit except in one Night Elf event and I had to tone down the fel effects of my usual transmog.

I think a DK can work out much better, but that’s just me.