I Am Undead And I Need Help

Yeah this happens a lot; people just blindly accepting every character, regardless of how cosmically antagonistic their archetype is and has been in the setting, and then scolding you for reacting appropriately in-character.

I expect for Kuwei to earn someone’s trust, and not be given it blindly. She is, after all, a Death Knight, who are known to forsake morals and ethics for what they believe is necessary.

To this day I wish Blizzard wrote any kind of consequences for the attack on Light’s Hope Chapel.


There is also something else to take into account here.

Speaking of Forsaken in the Horde and the Death Knights in the Alliance, something which is often overlooked beyond the common trait of being undead is their difference in interactions within said faction and their nature as undead.

Starting with the interactions of these two types of characters with their factions.

While Forsaken have had some VERY bad cases out there, there have been plenty of examples of them doing things that make their faction trust them, like for example sending an entire batallion to relieve the blood elves in the Ghostlands for which the blood elves were extremely grateful for (especially for a quite isolationist people), the fact that practically nobody beyond Putress’ closest allies (inc. Varimathras) sided with him during post-Wrathgate, so on and so forth.

While there is a basis for distrust, there can also be a basis for certain characters to trust the Forsaken within their own faction for one reason or another. It creates a dynamic in which while mutual distrust can be very much present, it isn’t so necessarily overwhelming that the possibility of mutual agreements and working with one another is out of the realm of possibility.

Then, there is the Death Knights of Acherus and the Alliance, which have almost gone out of their way to drive their PR to the ground, to a faction that was already known for being extremely aggressive to anything undead, sentient, mind-controlled or otherwise.

Not only did they attack the Argent Crusade mid-Burning Legion invasion, they did so to, in the POV of Stormwind, desecrate the body of the very same Silver Hand paladin that was the reason why some of them were even allowed to rejoin the Alliance as Death Knights in the first place.

As for the difference in their nature as undead, while Forsaken are indeed just as undead as death knights are, and have to deal with the bare minimum of the fact that they have died (at least once) and are reanimated with dark magic, they do not need to really feed on anything to survive.

They do not even need to mass-murder to stave off losing their minds, as is demonstrated by the fact that the only undead that has suffered from ‘brainrot’ (which was then found out to just be a demon messing with his head) is an undead wizard that has been a corpse since about 2.8k years before the fact.

As for Death Knights, it’s the complete opposite. Death knights need to kill, or at least, engage in something that constantly causes pain to others.

While Death Knights can have personalities and emotions, everyone around them has to weigh in the fact that they are one too many moments of calm away from turning around and facing their blade at you, like a vampire giving in to their hunger for blood and losing control.

You can roleplay a forsaken in a casual setting and quite easily write them out in a way that makes nearby characters far less uneasy than they would be otherwise, while doing that on a death knight is almost impossible to do, and that’s without mentioning the problem of trying to find what is your death knight’s reasoning for engaging in a casual scene with non-death knights or non-allies.

Whatever the character’s opinion on undead might be, the Eternal Hunger of Death Knights is an everpresent threat. In my own opinion, it’s probably quite likely that even living characters who are 100% fine with undead put more than a few steps of distance between themselves and a death knight.

TL;DR to this wall of text: Roleplaying a death knight in a casual setting is a daunting task. If you want to roleplay an undead and frequently engage in casual scenes, your best bet is playing a forsaken, but even then you’re likely to find some conflict from time to time.


Join the Gest or the Coven, they are all nasty too and also great guilds!

Weird plug but ok.


Unintentional(?) poetry aside anyone who is giving you grief over your choice of race/class combination in RP? They’re not worth your time. Blizzard allowed you to be this choice and as a result is entirely lore friendly.


Ever since I saw Sylvanas on the bloody battlefield
I have known my dire calling and was ready to commit.
Blizzard finally gave an option to fulfill my deepest dreams
And I joyfully created a Darkfallen gloomy priest.
All is set, the story’s written, and I wear my scarlet robe
But my fellow Argent hordies warn me that I’ll play alone.
“You are bad and you are evil. We will /spit on you on sight.”
Is it fun or is it fair? I don’t think that it’s alright.
Please, don’t take it all too far.
Signed, San’layn in Orgrimmar.

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Well, there’s your problem right there. Don’t RP as the enemy in a faction capital.


Why is it always the san’layn and “redeemed” dark ranger players that post cringe such as this?

Furthermore - why do you act as if everyone has to treat your villain character as not a villain purely because you say out of character that they are not a villain?


Swirlie all San’layn
Push San’layn into lockers
Steal San’layn lunch money
Give San’layn atomic wedgies


If San’layn have lunch money then why are there blood banks?
Is it money for their lunch or is it lunch that is money? :thinking:


Hypothetically any race can pledge loyalty to any faction. We know for a fact that Void Elves, former Blood Elves, mysteriously appeared in BfA and joined the Alliance. We know there are Darkfallen customization options for the Alliance, too. We already have an impressive number of allied races that decided to join certain factions when we bumped into them. And, if we are speaking about the Undead, I don’t think there are any limits there as long as you are either sentient and clever enough to willingly follow the Banshee Queen/Desolate Council/whatever mighty leaders there are OR are capable of being controlled and kept in place.

That being said, I don’t see any problem with people who are roleplaying what they want but are perfectly able to explain and justify their presence in the Horde/Alliance/etc. Not to mention the more relaxed roleplaying style that has become increasingly popular lately, where people are just having fun and hanging out without obsessing over the “lore”. I put this word in brackets on purpose.

With no lore precedent for horde aligned san’layn, your character is currently and actively the enemy.


“by imagining a possibility rather than reality; as a hypothesis.”

Have your RP, I promise most people don’t care what you do. Just don’t scream bloody murder if people rightfully follow the story that’s been set up in-game and treat your character like a hostile.


Why do you all have to be so rude? The dwarf above spotted unintentional poetry and, since I’m a passionate lyric-writer myself, I got inspired and decided to have some fun and wrote this. And EVEN FOR THAT harmless act of mine I got harrassed and insulted. Lmao.

And it is all happening within the community of people who enjoy ROLEPLAYING and bring their characters and stories to life with CREATIVE WRITING. And then you are trying to prove to me that Undead players are not bullied for no reason, lol?


Hypothetically, sure – but this should always be based in canon lore. San’layn are members of the Scourge (bar the few that served Sylvanas and all died), and are therefore enemies of both the Horde and the Alliance. If we’re all going to say “x race can go into y city because I declare it so” then we’ll end up with people openly roleplaying liches in Orgrimmar or quilboar in Stormwind, just because “they can hypothetically pledge their loyalty”.


Is actually a problem and hollows out the setting to an unrecognisable husk where mutually incompatible headcanon irreversibly divides us forever into smaller and smaller bubbles and that’s how a server dies.


Hypothetically any San’layn can try and join the Horde, realistically they get decapitated and their heads end up on spikes on the gates of Orgrimmar the moment they try and enter.

Didn’t they just do another 180 and eat the Forsaken crews on those ships when things started looking a little bit shaky for them?

I’ve seen infinitely more creative character concepts than yours and they still kept the canon lore as their foundation and framework (in spite of how bonkers it is at this point) instead of taking silly liberties like you are.


And many of us want to do that creative writing within confines of the universe, a choice you´re actively belittling.

For someone who keeps talking about respecting others, you sure don´t seem to respect people who like to abide by the lore.


(they were all traitors who were feigning allegience anyway)

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They did, but my point is that they were given a chance to serve with the Horde as an exception to the rule.