I Am Undead And I Need Help

Okay hear me out Desartin. Can you be a san’lyan in Orgrimmar?

I am going to become a permanent member of the Cathedral of Holy Light as a San’layn faithful goth priest and ain’t nothing you can do to stop me.


Now there’s a horror…

If they disguise themselves I guess, like Valanar did in Valiance Keep by masquarading as an advisor to try and stop the commander from accepting aid from the Draenei.

Warning! It’s my last message in this thread. Thanks to all who participated. :star2::star2:Special thanks to the gunface gnome™, the human warlock stand-up rising star terminator i’llbebacker™, the wise human woman queen™, the goblin atomic heart sisters™, the death knight with the soul of an angel™, the purple headed not crazy sounding presumably red-eyed elf™.
:moyai:Honorable mentions: the art critic philosophical worgen™, the goldilocks alliance elf™, the illusionwhatareyouhiding-skinned fel-void elf™, the standardized working human paladin™, the guild archivist courageous orc™.


Can’t believe I don’t get any mention…


Im not sure if I’m supposed to be the standard working human paladin but, I would like to point out I didnt participate as much in this thread, nor did I ridicule, belittle or call anyone in here crazy. So I hope I am not getting lumped together with the rest.

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Hi everyone. Addington Fantanobahar here, the internet’s busiest awoosic nerd. And this new Quillestra record?

It’s not good.

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You are now.
This sure was one Crazy B…lood elf.

I’ve never seen Desartin with 10 night elf girlfriends, displaying himself as the ultimate HMP (Human Male Paladin)


Neither have I. Damnit I’ve been lied to!

Can’t argue with that one. ( Though, in all seriousness, I sometimes heard HMP in a deragotory term as apparently unifying all the bad stereotypes about human male paladins so I am not sure if I should be flattered or not :stuck_out_tongue: )

Soap trusted you, I thought I could too, so why in bloody hell does Makarov know you?

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Consider this.


I have a name, you know.

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Well in that case:


g-g-g-g-g-g-ghosts are a whole different cookie from undead.

also legion paladin lore lol


That was not you, by the way, sorry, haha
(updates regarding the last message are allowed, don’t freak out. hope you’re all having a wonderful friday, folks)


/kneel to the wise human woman queen, Levey.

The thread was finally dead lads… :sob:

Your name is Loras?

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Insert “they’re the same picture” meme with Levey and Loras’ avatars.