I Am Undead And I Need Help

Logic in action, behold! Mizzy asks for a petition to stop people from replying to me. I agree and propose

The good night elf dk is the only one who support me. Blindbulb breaks the silence and rekindles the argument. The gnome, the velf, and Mizzy herself (!) support Blindbulb.

Now Blindbulb says how tired they are… Logic has left the chat.

Scrap this.


I’ll say it again, stop being so obsessed with hearts. Also, I broke the silence without even having seen Mizzy’s post about it. I was still reading the 80 or so posts I missed. Also also, I’ve barely said anything in this post, how am -I- the one rekindling the argument? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What if I told you that I didn’t sleep well? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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While hearts are kinda useless, they are not meaningless. They help you to express solidarity and show that you agree with someone or support what they say. In a massive debate it helps to count how many people are on each side

Sorry if I was too harsh


I appreciate the apology, but you’re truly the only person who’s keeping this whole thing going. If you’d just stop responding to everyone, this whole mess of an argument would simply fizzle out.


She, Ranger- General Sylvanas Windrunner, was paraded in front of her people as an example of what would happen to them if they did not surrender. They did not, and she loved them fiercely for it even as she was pressed into service by her dark master.
And so it fell, the shining, beautiful city of magic, its glories shattered and reduced to rubble as the army of undead—the Scourge, she heard Arthas call them, twisted affection in his voice—pressed on. As he had before, Arthas raised the fallen to serve, and if Sylvanas had still possessed a heart, it would have broken at the sight of so many friends and loved ones shambling beside her, mindlessly obedient. On through the city they marched, cleaving it in twain with the vile purple- black scar, its citizens lurching to their feet with wounds that had smashed skulls, or trailing viscera behind them as they shambled forward.

I have seen quite a few people make this claim, but Rise of the Lich King clearly says the opposite. After Arthas slays Anasterian it jumps to Kel’thuzad’s resurrection, Dar’Khan’s death. After that we leave Quel’Thalas and go to Alterac.


In which case i will both eat my words and politely get back into my box for being mistaken. :pensive:


Disgusting Scourge creature.

Get out of my sight.


Nothin’ wrong with the Scourge…

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DM Morsteth or myself in-game if you wanna chat, or add St. John#8119 or Noxora#4621 on discord

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You can just call me Vixi you know.


Idk, being the gnome™ is pretty dope.


I am the one true gnome.


Vixi, I’m sorry, I was on the phone and couldn’t scroll up to see. My apologies.

I was the person who tried to stop it twice already. If you hate my answers, don’t write here anymore :slight_smile:

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In all honestly, don’t worry. I was not being serious about it! But appreciated still, thank you!

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One Gnome to rule them all, One Gnome to find them, One Gnome to bring them all, and in darkness punt them.

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I will stab your kneecaps.


I never stated that I hate you or your answers! What I’m trying to say is that if you stop poking the bear that is the forums every other second, people’ll stop talking here aswell!

180 missed replies since last I looked yesterday. Lord above what are you all still -doing- in here?


Refining our masterplan to sew a bunch of dead elves together to make a darkfallen abomination.