I can t play Alliance

I guess they are indeed litlle kids

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Ive played horde since tbc but recently rolled alliance to play with a friend. I dont mind humans and the two dwarves but the rest of the races suck especially their allied races (not di dwarves).

Horde the only race i wouldnt play is vulpera

Probably because you got used to horde.

The capitals, the players… Everything.

Now, alliance is different. And some don’t like different.

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I tought I’d never like to play Horde.

Just open your mana and feel the faction!

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To the people saying stuff like “forum is for sharing”, no, forum is for discussing stuff

When you make a thread like this is basically like telling people you like to eat cabbage more than broccoli

Nobody really cares and there’s nothing to discuss about it

So yea, he’s actually missing the point of the forum by a mile


Oh well, i didnt notice this was your forum with your rules…you decide what we can discuss and what not?
I pity you, maybe you have an angry and sad real life as long as you react this way

Exactly this

I didn’t say it is a rule, I say that’s what forum is by definition, a discussion platform.

What you said is literally not discussable because it’s a matter of taste. There is nothing to discuss about the fact you prefer one faction over the other.

And thanks for insulting me btw, it’s a real proof of your maturity.

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So instead of whining and over react, feel free to discuss our taste or just skip the post…as simple as that

what is there to discuss

For example, how many ppl feel same way about faction allegiance…
You should use better your time, wasting it commenting on a post that you judge useless

Well now we can discuss how this thread is a great example of how NOT to make a thread.

For instance, if he wrote something like “alliance players are dumb and stupid”, or “alliance races have trash design”, we would maybe have something to discuss, but unfortunately OP left us with nothing.


But you still here, discussing on a “nothing” post…funny

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Got me there gg

If Horde is your main faction then that’s probably why. Because all of my friends are Horde at the moment, whenever I play an Alliance character I feel lonely and empty.

I started as Alliance and dabbled on horde for about 6 months back in BC but got bored to overachievers and i really hate the for the horde faction pride crap that horde has to me Alliance has always been more chilled and i could not give two fudges about world first race crap or some ladders that have no real value.


And here we are discussing, sharing our experiences and why we chose our faction… It’s a WoW forum, not a cooking forum. Alliance and Horde AFAIK are still part of WoW.
He didn’t insult anyone BTW…


Well no one really discussed anything so far

He did btw

I’m the other way. I cannot play Horde. I have tried but when I get around level 15 I think this sucks so reroll an Alliance race.

Just the way it is. No biggy just enjoy the game the way you want to.

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noun [ C/U ]

US /dɪˈskʌʃ·ən/

the act of talking about something with other people and telling them your ideas or opinions