I cannot comment this other way than ex dee

well thats because both the report system and the ban system are more of a joke…
ive never found bg more frustrating than arena, specially not shuffle

I agree because RSS in it’s current form is extremely frustrating. You may lose round because someone didn’t press the button or position like idiot. I had a shuffle where Glad presvoker went 1/5 because people didn’t press buttons. He was way better than other healer.

It doesn’t change the fact you can play 3s with two people you know. Which is probably the best choice.

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What are you even talking about, now every class literally have everything…

Except you. You have no brain.

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You are pretty much sick person and need some cure. Go visit a doctor or smth.

But looking at your character i partically understand what is wrong with you. Disney dwarf enjoyer cant be a normal person for sure.

Btw, imagine defending 3v3 with healers but being horrible at it.

  • Starfall damage increased by 10%.
  • New Moon damage increased by 20%.
  • Half Moon damage increased by 10%.
    like what? Boomking is already overpowered in blitz and rbg, doing insane numbers of damage and they buff it more??? Do blizz even know what they doing?

Why do blizzard not balancing game around duels and world pvp?? Do blizz even know what they doing?

They should already. Arena does not work obviously, people don’t like and don’t play current pvp format in wow.

i think they got all hit by the Usa layoffs

i can imagine, that Microsoft, replaced them for a Ai/Chatgpt lol

this can be also a thing

it´s easier to get people into bg blitz, because it´s less “punishable” if you are the weak spot, means it attracts more casuals

and more casuals = more cash in da tash for Activi$on

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Wouldn’t surprise if this is what they’re trying to go for. Probably going to misfire badly though, as it will only alienate their actual pvp playerbase (however small).

And what casuals are going to be all “hey what about them wow bgs damn” and come over here from cod or whatever they like to play.


Do you honestly have no brain to realise an all dps 3v3 lobby would be disastrous?


3v3 arena is garbage format, with healers or without. No one like to play it, and no one like to watch tournaments.

Why do u even in arena forum? Lol
Btw, there is another reason why nobody plays it and nobody watches tournaments


And what is that reason in your opinion?

That is clearly obvious that pvp in wow start its descendance after most rewards was removed from 2v2.

And now there is like 5% (at best) of players play wow for pvp.

Can you remind me please when exactly did Blizzard remove rewards from 2s and when was arenas peak?

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Isn’t it what Ion Hazzikostas said in the pre-TWW interview that he always thought that BGs are the main form of PvP in WoW and they will try to push it.

In 2009, wotlk. Peak of wow pvp.

It was clearly shown when the same issue happehed again in miniature with classic progression patches.

Thats funny cos since 2009 there were no glad titles in 2s

Yay 2v2 with 2x dps. Let’s run circles around the pillar for few minutes. Pinnacle of PvP content in WoW. So fun!

Are you sure it has nothing to do with you being 50% wr on a feral struggling and now trying to justify (cope) to urself why you sky-rocket to 3k in a casino bg bracket?

Just asking for a friend.