I have not been playing WoW for that long, I started playing since 2016 and NEVER have I ever made a post about ranting, and neither have I even ever made a post.
But I quit WoW at 8.2 because I couldn’t tolerate the GCD…This function is really bad, it is so bad that I cannot play the game and have fun with it…the game is fun, sure the last few years it has been off a bit, but Blizzard really messed up with the GCD. If Shadow lands comes out and the GCD is still present I cannot see myself playing WoW. Legion from a perceptive of a new player who knew nothing about the lore was crazy and ridiculously fun! I woke up everyday wondering where should I start today. But BfA is the literal contrast. blizzard did not listen to BfA Beta feedback. GCD was one of the most hot topics that most players hated along side artifact power grind. In conclusion, I really want to play way to the point where I re-subbed this month to see if I like it and I really do not like the GCD and dailies. I hope Blizzard open their ears like the Overwatch team is doing.
TL;DR: I absolutely hate GCD and Artifact power grind and I really love wow, but the WoW team is not taking feedback into consideration since the never did anything to GCD, though they did change AP during legion, but they brought back the system in BfA.
Please remove the GCD system.
Let me know your thoughts, do you agree or disagree with me?