I cant find the purple quest this week to upgrade my ring, help?

Anyone know why i cant see it? i only faction changed but it should be the same purple quest from last week?

You have to do the Siren Isle weekly and after compelting the storm phase the purple quest appear
If you have alts? They have to do the weekly too to unlock the quest


THis appears to be true. Did everything on my main, got the quest, and my alts still have no purple Quest on arrival

That means my alts simply won´t be doing the isle this week, period, unless it gets hotfixed.

I´m absolutely not going to spend +/- a dozen hours grinding out something on alts that was a 5 minute task /alt in every previous week, that idea can go die in a fire. Having to do it once on my main first, sure, no problem at all with that, but redoing it a dozen times? Hell no. :beers:

I can only hope that this is merely an oversight, and not Blizzard returning to their pre- Dragonflight way of thinking. :wink:

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The increase in power for the gems as you go from 445 to 449 also seems REALLY small, much less than 442 to 445 did for som reason.

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The ring upgrade item for my alt was in the purple chest at the south-west corner of the island!

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I got an upgrade just looting a chest on one of my alts.

Got upgrade on another alt , just doing an even into those caves with timer

I am also finding upgrades by looting chests. So that’s what my alts are doing :slight_smile:

I am juts curious if next week the quest will unlock or not if I skip this weeks by looting chests
Or they are a chain

Second alt got it from killing Stalag.

No idea what will happen next week.

Well now I know
I had to do the quest to unlock the next quest
Sure no citrine but the ring ability and to progress nedded
So eaither do it or either miss the ability… :roll_eyes:

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So far I’ve been doing the quest on my main and then alts get them from kills or occasionally chests.

I presume there is some kind of catch up but not tested it.

Yeah, the upgrade citrin drops from mobs, chest, etc
But the ability itself this weeks provide is unlocked by the quest and the quest is part of the chain, so you have to od the previous quest to unlock this week’s quest

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