I can't play like this anymore

Yeah, she doesn’t deserve us! :fox_face:

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If I decide to give my gold and mats to someone I will give them to my friends, sorry.

Vulperas taking over this topic now. let me mark my terrotory.


So basically…you’re a furry?

Care to share? :fox_face:
Let’s declare this topic as the Pandaren Despair Burrow


On a more serious note, OP: If you love Vulpera that much, then you can also play as Horde. If not, then it means that you don’t love them as much as you say. Simple as that.

I played as Dark Iron Dwarf for a bit because I like them (but don’t like the Alliance). Was fun for a bit, then I returned to Horde. Is it a big deal? No, it’s a game.


Actually this is true
I - lets don’t deny it - hate the Horde (not the palyers mind you, the faction) except the Tauren, Zandalari and the pandaren. Mixed feelings about the Blood Elves and the Nightbornes since hard to see them as “horde” and leveling was actually by only with dungeons/BGs to avoid the story as much as possible, till pandaland, where embraced the Jade forest line and at the end of it, Draenor (fly around for objectives+dungeons) then the sweet legion; sprinkled some TW here and there
Same with my Nightborne
Love both race, but not really the faction they are the part of
My love of the race owerweighted my hatred toward the faction and RP as a pirate/privateer Vulpera, who avoids Orgrimar and the Horde
Sure, as an AD player its easier I guess since I play vulpi for the sake of RP (same with my nightborne… actually never bound his HS to anywhere else, just Suramar starting racial home)
What Farizer said 100% true… if you love us that much, look past the Faction (if you want RP thats a bit harder to find non–hostile alliance, but actually not that much, lots of people are open to cross faction RP) and camp in vol’dun, Dazar’alor or Silvermoon

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Posts about gameplay and reward structure in the game, feedback about classes and systems, get 5 to 10 replies, some dude talking about his weird fetish for animals (please don’t abuse animals) while on his way out garners 50 replies in a day…
…Ghostcrawler died for this?

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Don’t taint the Pandaren Despair Burrow with your negativity!
And jealousy :fox_face:


if he contines like that i will pee on his leg and make his armor rust :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, I was hopin’ for normal discussion but it seems I can’t get it here. Most of you can only laughing and missing the whole point of this thread. This community is the worst…
Also I’m not “he”. I’m a girl.

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Of course some replies aren’t going to be serious to your issue, its never going to go 100% the way you want with others on the internet.

You really need to just suck it up and deal with the fact that you can’t be an alliance Vulpera, it really isn’t worth getting emotional over.


I know. But here…it’s majority of answers. Now I feel even worse, ashamed I even dare to share my problems, eh… I should expect this.

In a perfect world we would all be able to express our concerns and desires without fearing ridicule and shame… sadly the world is not perfect.

I do feel a little shame myself considering my own initial response, I do tend to forget that not everyone is built to just: “Suck it up” as Chasmag puts it.

Ideally I would rather engange in these discussions in a much more respectful manner, but I suppose I have been on the internet for far too many years of my life, so something just dies hard I guess.

I do apologise for my initial response, but yeah, sadly this is the reality of things. You should not be ashamed of voicing your problems, and I do hope you will some day find some joy in playing Horde as well as Alliance and enjoying the game’s story to its full extend rather than just remaining stuck in one perspective.

While blizzard have villain-batted the Horde a couple of times which is absolutely ridicolous, do remember that many of it’s races are equally victims, victims of the Alliance as well; Blood Elves, Goblins, Vulpera, Trolls (The darkspear variant mainly).

And they all have similarily intriguing storylines.

I especially suggest you read the recent short story starring Thalyssra and Lor’themar; personally I enjoyed the story because it gives a good, indepth view of two leaders of the Horde, one of the two I personally love dearly having followed him in comics and other stories for quite long.

The aethestics may be ugly… but it is the story and the mixed cultures of the Horde that makes it excessively more interesting, than what it was when it was just tauren, trolls, orcs and undead.


The internet is generally a “safe space” for those who want to act a certain way on the internet. You sometimes have to just filter through them and just discuss things with the people who are engaging in the topic that you create.

No you shouldn’t be ashamed, but its clear that you’re emotionally investing yourself in something that you shouldn’t place such importance on. You have better things in your life than worrying about Vulpera and their existence as a Horde race.


I permit myself to give you a suggestion, or perhaps an advise: don’t take mockery seriously, especially on the Internet.
Most of those mockery posts on this thread are just a waste of sanity and time.

As for your issue, I think if you cannot stand the fact Vulpera are Horde your solution is taking a break.
If your character and faction means so much to the point that impact to your experience and enjoyment you should change game.


Would rather hear people unsubscribe than lore getting skewered on behalf of a few peoples obsessions.

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You didn’t like playing with 60% blood elves?

Why do you say worgen and draenie are bugged? In what way?

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I get this is important to you personally, but I don’t really understand why you’re coming to the forums.

Are you hoping they add Vulpera to Alliance? That’s not going to happen.
You just seem like a spoiled child who is throwing a temper tantrum because someone else is playing with your toy.

This is such a weird thing to obsess over.
But hey, FF14 is the game for you.
You don’t like this game, there’s nothing wrong with that. I just don’t understand why you’ve made a 2nd long winded forum post about it. I remember your original post, it was basically the same thread.

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