Hi all. Usually, to insert an ability into a macro, I open the spell book and shift-click. Has something changed now, or is it just another prepatch bug?
For a druid this is really a problem, because… There is Mangle for a cat and for a bear with the same name. But writing Mangle (cat) doesn’t work.
Offtop: And as I understand it, the titles remained assigned to a specific character? For example, I have an immortal achievement that is common to my account. But I can only put a title on the character on which I made it. Is this a bug or is it supposed to be like this?
same problem here
u cannot differentiate between the 2 skills anymore.
(Bear) (Cat) (Bear Form) (Cat Form) doesnt work.
and since u cant put spell ids in the macro i have no idea what else to try.
maybe some1 knows a worklaround or even better the correct writing for mangle bear ?
I understand that they prioritize severe the issues before moving on to the less game breaking one, it still seems quite odd to me that Cataclysm Classic got released in such state.
I might be wrong on this, but it seems to me that since Cataclysm, WoW Classic is in worst state ever for longest period of time, compared to all previous Classic expansion transitions, which appeared to me to be released in much more polished state.
Then again since there’s so much that has changed from earlier expansions, it’s kinda expected to have lot of issues, and while typing the ability name into macro manually is not such big issue, problem is that some abilities does not get recognized all the time.
Took me hours before I figured out that I have to type (Damage School) in brackets at the end of the ability name in order for the game to recognize that ability in macro.
Strangely enough some spells does not require such thing.
Ice trap worked in macro without issues, Freezing Trap however couldn’t get recognized unless written as “Freezing Trap(Frost)”.
Strange even more, Explosive Trap worked without brackets as well, but after getting disconnected and login back to the game, it no longer worked unless written as “Explosive Trap(Fire)” and there is no mention for this anywhere.
It just occurred to me that back in Vanilla Classic and Burning Crusade Classic expansion, when you shift+click on ability in spellbook with macro panel opened, it linked the ability name along with it’s rank in brackets, and since there are no ranks anymore and instead there is Damage School written in below the ability’s name, I’ve tried to add that in brackets to the macro and apparently that was the case that prevented the ability to get recognized.
Point is that players shouldn’t be forced to experiment with ability’s name in macro in order to get it to work.