I can't see most of the things on the ground..how do i fix?

I guess for Blizzard, making things hard or challenging means making attacks have the same color as the terrain, making it hard to notice them.
I could give countless examples and i’m 100% sure you can as well.
I wish Blizzard would “grow up” and realise that things can be done much better without having to physically squint at my screen (ruining my eyes in the process), having to put the settings down to absolute low to see things, or to rely on addons like GTFO to make us move away from attacks.

That being said, i need your help in somehow making things more clear on the screen.

Currently my Base Graphics settings is put to max (base game quality = 10).
As for the advance settings:
Triple Buffering = checked
Texture Filtering = 16x Anisotropic
Ray Traced Shadows = Disabled
Ambient Occlusion Type = FidelityFX CACAO
Resample Quality - FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0
VRS Mode = Disabled
Graphics API = DirectX 12
Physics Interactions = Player Only
Graphics Card = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU
Max Forground FPS = unchecked
Max Background FPS = 30 fps
Target FPS = 60 fps
Resample Sharpness = 0.2
Contrast = 50%
Brightness = 50%
Gama = 1

So basically everything is at default settings.

I saw a few final fantasy youtube videos where you can clearly see exactly where the ground attack is going to land, and where not to stand.
Mostly because they did not share the same color as the terrain.

Is there a way to change the settings where i can see all the “c r a p” on the ground without me ruining my eyes? (excuse my bad word)
Is there an addon that can change the colors or make things more visible?

Any help is very much appreciated.

The 2 important graphics settings are:

  • Projected Textures: Enabled.
    • This will show things like enemy/environment AoE damage more clearly in many cases.
  • Spell Density: Essential.
    • This will prevent spells cast by your allies from distracting you.

Also, I’d recommend turning off all floating combat text. When you’re soloing, those numbers look cool, but in dungeons and raids they are very distracting. You can’t turn some of it off with the default UI.

  • Options:
    • Gameplay:
      • Combat:
        • Scrolling Combat Text for Self: Unchecked

To turn off even more floating combat text, such as healing numbers, you’d need to change some internal variables. I’d recommend getting the “Advanced Interface Options” addon for that which make it easy to do that. Alternatively, you could get an addon which shows the floating combat text on the sides instead of the center of your screen so they don’t block your vision of the actual fight.

Finally, older content in WoW often doesn’t do a good job of visually indicating what bosses or trash mobs are doing. E.g. in the Necrotic Wake dungeon, the skeleton marauders have a nasty frontal cleave attack which is basically instant and invisible. Blizz is making new dungeons/raids better at showing where damage is going to occur.


Projected Textures was by default Enabled.
I have set spell density to essential.
Scrolling combat text for self was by default unchecked.

If i set spell density to essential…will that not make spells even harder to view? (spells coming from enemies, bosses)

Ahh, OK. I think I was wrong about what that option does. I thought it allows you to completely turn off scrolling damage text, but actually that only allows additional stuff to be shown. It looks like it’s impossible to turn off scrolling damage text with the base UI’s options. You’ll need an addon like “Advanced Interface Options” to turn off scrolling damage text.

The tooltip for “Spell Density” says “Controls visibility of non-essential spells”. It basically just minimizes the “flashiness” of most spells, which reduces visual noise and makes it easier for you to focus on more important stuff.

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