I can't stand this iteration of warlocks

I disagree

This iteration of WL is propably the best since 10 Years.
There are some minor Problems.

Like Destro not beeing very mobile.
Affli having to choose between AE and ST dmg and that Rapture spell noone likes.
And Demo is almost perfect.

They adressed the Demo issues i had years ago, with Demo haveing a ramp up time in M+ with implosion.

If they adress whose 3-4 Problems, then WL is the best Class in game. Proving there is someone in Dev Team that actualy loves WLs.
Thats what i think.

Good for you,now go troll somewhere else.

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demo was more fun when it was about having one badass demon not a zoo of useless ones.


100% agree.
After playing Evoker I do feel Warlock is generally beyond clunky and -old-.
My favorite is Affliction because of aesthetics and petless playstyle
but my my
 it is PAINFUL.
Button bloat, ability bloat, opener that takes 100 years to do whilst other classes burst everything with ease, AoE that requires building-up and longer cast-time compared to other classes etc etc etc.
I can rant about Warlocks forever. Talents which also put AoE in them instead of making AoE baseline like -some- classes have.


Few days ago I upped my warlock alt to lvl 70 and
 I disappointed.

I had imagine how I will play epic BG as affliction warlock, how I will spread DOTs, will push enemies to the grave slow and steady.
But DOTs doing just ridiculously low damage, they are more like visual effect and needed to empower direct damage skills.
Very dumb and uncomfortable gameplay. Need to push 10 buttons just to start doing something.

And after all my rogue doing more DOT, than aff-warlock. LOL


Hello, i dont even know how many locks i have anymore , being a diehard lover of the class since the days that death coil was 1 hour cd

Welcome to after-legion Gutt/recked classes
 Where builder/spender diablo3 gameplay merged to our beloved wow game.

Og’s is almost impossible to have fun with lock anymore , only reason im playing it and not fully is just to get the elite pvp set and logout cause thats the only thing warlock still has godlike and thats his armor designs.

Every single spec is boredom incarnate , gutted to 3 buttons , auto-pilot demo gameplay , no niche counter spells anymore , class fantasy totally ruined , and even our pets got gutted.

Thanks to Lolgeion “tHeBeStExPaNsIoN” of all time. End of rant.


New ppl dont get it how warlocks were pre legion.


i remember tellling people the removal of effigy would kill afflocks

everybody said i was insane

now here we are, in this post legion dumbster

reality is devs dont know what to with this class. effigy was a straight 30% st buff, turning st fights into multidoting. it allowed the player to be that doter while also having developers being able to tune the class dots with ease, since there is no class designer

aff lock was busted due to reap effect and raids filled with ads, but effigy was more than fine. maybe if people were that bad and lazy, have it follow the warlock and have a specific button in the grimoire for agony, corruption and siphon life is specced instead making 3 macros (consisting only of 3 lines target effigy, cast dot, targetlasttarget)

demo was just straight better with meta but lets just say we cant have it due to dh. well legion demo was just better than post legion, with more damage coming from the caster with doom and tkc. while empowerement could fill too much for some, i found it fun but i realize playing rush e is not fun for everyone. they should have kept the base guldan/doom interaction, wrath and tkc, and just take away empowerement and fill our rotation with a couple of extra demons

thats for pve, dont even get me started on pvp. i tried to play this season, i gave up. lfg is predatory, and i was always agaist shuffle. i still tried it. my god, whenever its not a melee lobby i get to rank up, 3 melees and then its a bad idea.

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Cant talk for affliction or destro this expansion as ive only done content on demo.

Numbers wise its doing fine, i still feel demonic tyrant is and always has been a mistake that the designers dont want to drop because of his model however.

The issue is simple, he was over tuned in SL and now he is so weak we use him as just a buff to other pets. I genuinely think the spec would feel better if he was just gutted at this point and his power budget moved else where in the kit.

I didn’t enjoy ether version be it tyrant being all my dps or just a meaningless 1 min cd to use with vile fiend. Im so hoping he’ll be obsolete next expansion and maybe demo gets a personal buff (dark transformation like a mini caster metamorphosis) or a personal attack like we had in legion that scales off summons.

Its not that i think its all bad, but somethings i felt were better and more interesting which blizzard abandoned. Personally i loved legion for making doom feel like a real demonology spell instead of just “oh a non affli dot” while these days im annoyed that doom is a damn talent despite having so little connection to the rest of the kit, like an after thought.

I’d prefer it if “Demonic tyrant” basically makes the player the tyrant, buffs our spell damage and pets for the duration, some visual effect on the player character (Felfire demon wings and horns maybe?), a sort-of “metamorphosis”, but without the ludicrous “You’re now almost a tank and half your spells are completely different”-thing we had in MoP, Warlocks should remain casters.

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I’ve played demo on and off (and occasionally mained it) since WoTLK, and I’m mostly happy with the current iteration. The main thing that saddens me right now is that the Implosive Potential legendary from SL didn’t make it into the talent trees. That added a huge fun factor to the playstyle.

(Since I’m posting on a DH, I should probably add that I don’t feel the loss of metamorphosis hurts demo. I don’t like having it on the DH. After I’ve put time and effort into mog farming and customising my character, why would I want to be a big, ugly demon?)

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I dont think people want a perma demon form, more or less kinda like paladins wings/Guardian of ancient kings.

Some people play games for the story and fantasy aspect, and to be quite frank retail has gone away from those aspects alot. All in the favor of balance and making everyone feel equal (Which hasnt even worked)


Offer a glyph, then. So those of us who don’t want to look ugly aren’t forced to.

Already have asked for that and they have not delivered once.
Blizzard focus is on other things, its only now they have started to make some cosmetics an option with more demon customization.
I made post back in SL when there was content drought where i just wanted us to get metamorphosis form for dark soul, instead of the dark swirlies we had.
The big problem is that they do not listen to these forums at all!
I have been active weekly on the forum for month and not even once has a dev comment on request! (Tbf there is alot of hate on these forums but all critism is good)

I’m having really hard time in arenas right now and I know I’m undergeared but the amount of abilities you can press is so limited in terms of mobility and defense. Main issue is mobility. Playing pvp as a warlock is one of the most annoying things in this game because you’re constantly faced with melee dpsers who will sit on you and you won’t be able to do anything except fake cast and rely on your healer. I hate how you’re not the dark wizard caster the game promised us but instead a target dummy tank with no way of using your big damage spells. This is issue with all 3 specs. Every spec requires a big buildup time first of all and also it requires a lot of spells to be casted before you do damage, meanwhile every melee dps will reduce you to pieces right when the arena starts interupt your important spells stun you slow you and over annoy you the whole entire game. This is so frustrating and unfair.


This seems like a trend rn even arms seems like inferior version of shadowlands S4. I don’t know who came up with these talents it’s just like more complicated to balance and get you worse version of your spec than any older version of it.
As of now this new talent system is just a scam who ever get it’s talents rework it becomes super op like paladin mage dh hunter rouge. if you’re forgotten spec you are play uphill battle with buttons bloat and can’t even do aoe without killing your entire single target i mean just get rid of this system there was a reason it got changed in mop. It kills spec identity fr.

and the multibilions dolars company cant even fix the problems in time I am curious what kind of people they hire and what they actually do. They make the game and they make it broken and they leave it broken like it is all good i guess. I mean isnt there a manager or someone who says “wtf is the situation with the imbalanced specs” seems no one cares. It is all like one guys fantasy and that guy right now wants to play demo lock and his other favorite specs of the classes.


There was one poor guy posting every day and counting days when will they fix warlocks.
He ended up with GM deleteing all his topics including my own which they did sneaky.
Now,if you do that,theres no problems to be seen.

The biggest slap to the face, also thanks to that legion gutting, was giving Shadowfury a freaking cast time. On top of nerfing it’s CD from 30s to 1minute.

Blizzards argument: Too much AoE CC in m+. Whoopdedoo

Warlock would already be helped IMMENSELY in PvP by reverting that stupid nerf, having another instant cast CC on a shorter CD apart from coil would go a long way of giving us some breathing room.


I think what also gets me is that we have 0 control over soul shards.
I think resource management is important, but soul shards are RNG-based and it’s just annoying.
You have a situation where you -need- to burst mobs fast with AoE and as affli I found myself drained off of soulshards and praying I’ll get ONE so I can cast Seed and it didn’t proc/pop for a good few moments which killed my damage.
I generally feel that design where player has no control is just 
 and warlocks generally suffer from it.
Either make shards proc much faster or give us a way to -restore- shards with a skill.

Arcane mage, for example, nicely builds up recources and casts off a powerful spell – then rince and repeat. I’d switch to Arcane Mage in a heartbeat had I not been so tied to this character