I can't stand this iteration of warlocks

One of the solution would be to have pets by default (infernal/glare/tyrant) and as a nod choice to generate 5 shards on use.

Or just make them similar to the destro ones. For Aff: Couple shard fragments gained to stacks gained on Agony. So you get 1/10th shard for every stack agony generates. (Or every 2 stacks, I have no idea how this would pan out for balance, but gameplay wise it would quite well reward multidotting even some pets and totems etc)

For Demo: You could tie this to the imps or in general demons spawned, but I think the current iteration of demo is fine as is for shard generation.

Doubt fragments would work on aff/demo current playstyle.
Destro is very predictable and demo in a way.
As aff its pure rng unless u can snipe shards with DS

Its not like other classes have even stronger cc at range cough HOJ cough

you get shards if a target dies during Drain soul, that is how you play well as affi, making sure the last mob in that pack has UA and DS it to death to get 2 shards (it gives UA gives a shard baseline if it dies during it duration)
You just have to learn the dungeons packs and when you set yourself up with extra shards.
Other than that you are rng based, which is why i abhor affi spec.

Please stop it with these shards .
Neither affliction , nor destruction needs " Shards" .

Why does every single spec has to be a builder-spender on combo points ?
In affliction we already have enough debufs and dots to manage .
At most I would imagine shards for destro that you use on “Soulburn” to buff the damage of chaos bolt like crazy , or cast soulfire to take a huge chunk of someone’s hp .

I started playing warlock , because I did not want to play rogue with combo points . Why am I playing ranged rogue now ?

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