I come from the orcs

Care with the bones so it won’t crack your teeth, but I assure you, there is none in mana buns in case you wish to change. :grin:

Are you truly an ORC ?!

We eat with our HANDS not with those abominations!!!

Your hands aren’t abominations?

Only Nightborne hands that’s abominations.

Yea but now they glow, so eating food becomes a disco.


Read well…friend!
I said the forks and spoons are abominations not our HANDS

And I’m asking if you’re sure. :3

Saurfang diden’t and neither should you other orcs.

Me not that kind of orc.

Kids, remember to eat your greens… uhm… veggies

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In general just make sure to eat your green vegetables.

No-one wants carrot. :<



I come from the gnomes
we tinker with our tomes,
we love to shine our chromes!

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