I completed MT as Guardian Druid - some thoughts

I’d actually go as far as to say it should allow the use of Covenant Abilities and Current Legendaries.

After all, the classes are currently tuned around these, and for a lot of players these “borrowed powers” are just part of their class. It’s like taking away half of your talent tree and saying go and kill this.

to my understanding the reason they excluded current “Borrowed powers” was due to them planning on keeping MT around for years to come… And instead of incrementally having to go back and re-work what’s allowed and not, they took this route…

But honestly, the BEST way they could’ve gone about it is to give everyone Template-gear when you enter the MT… That way everyone would’ve been on the same page no matter what.


Trust me I do, alt probably isnt logged in w/e

This is very true.

He does. He did it on several speccs

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